Showing 511 - 525 of 563.
- Description:
- Dr. Energy Saver Yorktown returned to The Hampton Roads Show to help Virginia homeowners save money and energy this winter.
- Location:
- VA - Arlington-Alexandria
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- A home energy audit in St. Louis found a potential fire hazard caused by a faulty lint trap.
- Location:
- IL - Charleston-Mattoon
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- Dr. Energy Saver Westchester is an up and coming member of the nationwide Dr. Energy Saver Franchise. Serving as the local energy and home comfort professionals, this franchisee is certified and experienced to meet homeowners' needs.
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- Dr. Energy Saver Westchester has joined with HOPE Community Services to aid in donation efforts for this year's Thanksgiving dinner. This is Dr. Energy Saver Westchester's Holiday effort known as "The Energy Elves Are Giving Back."
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- Dr. Energy Saver Detroit Expands Service Area
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- James
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- Dr. Energy Saver Cleveland is working with the City Mission to provide a holiday meal for families in need this season. This is a part of the "Energy Elves Are Coming To Town" campaign to bring hope and cheer to those in need.
- Industry:
- Energy
- Description:
- Dr. Energy Saver Dutchess County Owner Featured in Poughkeepsie JournalDr. Energy Saver Dutchess County Owner Featured in Poughkeepsie Journal
- Location:
- NY - Hudson
- Industry:
- Energy