Capt Lui - Books, Kotting and Boats LLC

Luis Peaze

CEO - Editor

Luis Peaze

Brazilian writer, translator and journalist. Ready mode 24/7. Yellow fever shot checked; updated US visa on a Brazilian passport; travel to Europe, Australasia, Africa, anywhere ok; lived in Australia 5 years and between US and Brazil since 1987, base in Rio and SF Bay Area, California... I know very well the territory of Brazil, from deep south (home land) to Amazon. With solid background in a wide range of business areas including computer field, advertising being awarded in Brazil, chronist for newspapers and online zines, radio broadcasting enthusiast, publishing and translation (translator of Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls), boating and marine and costal environment expert (boatbuilder and ocean sailor). Detailed and methodological jack for all trade oriented person, allways on the good will and straight forward mode.

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