
Jean Witteveen


Jean Witteveen

Son of a Greek mother and a Dutch father, I spent my early childhood in Brazil. As a kid I was always a little computer geek. When I was 9 years old my dad got me the Apple II computer. I was immediately fascinated with programming and creating codes.

Soon after my studies I worked at Apple; I worked at the launch of the iMac, Bondi Blue, and saw everything from marketing to retail. This also gave me insight on how to build a computer, helping me understand the magnitude of the procurement process when launching a new product. You have to carefully select suppliers for all components and apply extensive quality controls. This process has proven to be a painstaking and very time-consuming process.

After my time at Apple I worked as a commercial director and marketing manager, translating business plans in solid and actionable marketing & sales plans. In this role I was again strengthened in my idea that businesses are in need for a better procurement process. I decided to make this happen and founded Eccentrade in 2014.

Today me and my team are helping buyers and suppliers connect, providing the right metrics to meet their requirements.
I feel privileged doing what I love; creating and selling products that stimulate trade and are adding value to our economy.

Being an entrepreneur is in my blood, my father and grandfather both founded companies in Brazil and the Netherlands.
I work hard and put a lot of energy and devotion in what I do.

If you want to know more about the solutions of Eccentrade and how we help.Please connect with me or send me a direct e-mail via