Esteem Medical Spa

Michael Glass


Michael Glass

After moving to Reno from Los Angeles in 1981, Dr. Glass began the full time practice of anesthesiology. In 1985 he opened Reno Procedure Center ( RPC), an ambulatory surgery center, to support the needs of Reno’s first In Vitro Fertilization program. RPC was sold to St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center in 1990. In partnership with Dr. Glass, and other physicians, St. Mary’s opened the Center for Outpatient Surgery in 1992. Dr. Glass served as Medical Director of this surgical facility for 13 years until it was sold in 2005. During that time Dr. Glass was responsible for the clinical practice of medicine, and the delivery of surgical services, in a facility providing over 6000 cases each year. During this time Dr. Glass developed a keen interest in lasers, and managed the introduction of lasers into the operating room for a variety of surgical sub-specialties, including plastic surgery, gynecology, otolaryngology, general surgery, orthopedics, and urology.

After retiring from anesthesiology Dr. Glass pursued his interest in lasers by opening Esteem Medical Spa and Salon. He has undergone and received certificates for specialty training in the use of carbon dioxide lasers, hair removal lasers, tattoo removal lasers, low level lasers, intense pulsed light devices (IPL), and radio frequency devices. He also holds certificates for basic and advanced training in the use of neuromodulators (Botox), facial fillers, and the use of platelet rich plasma. Dr. Glass has also completed the course work and clinical workshops necessary to be awarded the Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine presented by the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, is a member of the American Society of Laser Medicine & Surgery, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists.