Sissy Lappin


Sissy Lappin

Sissy Lappin knows what she's talking about when it comes to selling homes. She started her real estate career in the 1980s and has experienced two recessions and two bubbles. She has consulted and negotiated over 1⁄2 billion on deals all over the country.

The founder of Lappin Properties, her one-woman firm has been acknowledged as one of the most successful independent brokers in the country, and was recognized as #1 in most expensive homes sold by the Houston Business Journal.

She is a regular contributor to Inman News and has been featured in several other national publications, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Money, Time, and USA Today.

Now she has taken the proven system she has used to build her home sales success and a once intimidating process has been simplified. ListingDoor works like an interview-and ask easy to answer questions. They coach you step-by step to price, build your listing, market and sell your home even if you have no previous sales experience.

Sissy lives with her husband and two children in Houston, Texas.