My journey on the path of Integrative and Functional Medicine began about 15 years ago. I had recently finished my training in internal medicine from the University of Texas when I got sick. I was diagnosed with multiple auto immune conditions. This hit me out of the blue. I went from seeing 30 patients a day and taking 36 hour calls at the hospital to being constantly fatigued and hurting all over my body. It felt like my whole system had shut down overnight. I had to find help. I went to doctor after doctor and really found no answers. I was given medications but they gave me horrible side effects. Frustrated with the conventional medical system, I started doing my own reading and research in complementary and alternative medicine. I had always been a great fan of Dr. Andrew Weil’s and Dr. Mark Hyman’s work and based on their recommendations and other reading I did – I made lifestyle and nutritional changes, including stopping gluten, dairy, and sugar, adding a daily ritual of exercise, breath training and yoga, and nutritional supplements – I began to feel better.I continued to practice at the Texas Medical Center and got voted as one the Top 10 Internist in Houston as well as the Top 10 in the State of Texas. Over 13 years of practice as a primary care physician, I saw about 40,000 patients. During this time I served on the Board of Integrative Medicine at St. Lukes, my passion for the field grew deeper.
I knew it was time for a change. Over the next 4 years, I went through a very rigorous program, and trained with some of the leading experts in the field of Integrative and Functional medicine, including Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Mark Hyman.I completed a 2 year fellowship program at the Arizona center for Integrative Medicine, one of the most prestigious training programs in Integrative Medicine under the direct mentorship of Dr. Andrew Weil. I was amongst the first 800 physicians in the world to complete an Integrative Medicine fellowship. Armed with this new knowledge my quest to learn more continued, and I completed my training in Functional Medicine and was amongst the first 825 practitioners worldwide to become IFMCP certified. At My Pure MD, I have combined my years of experience as an Internist with my extensive training in the field of Integrative and Functional medicine. With this combined approach, I incorporate the best diagnostic tools and technologies from conventional medicine, as well as emerging tools and tests that help me identify the critical imbalances that are the root cause of disease to help me treat the whole system not just the symptoms.I welcome you to My Pure MD. Together we will walk on your road to wellness!