Tina Huntington was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Wichita State University in 1999. During her studies at Wichita State, she began her legal career as a paralegal. Tina attended Washburn Law School in Topeka, Kansas where she obtained her Juris Doctorate degree in 2003. She has focused her legal career on helping victims of negligence, with her primary focus in medical malpractice, wrongful death and serious injuries. Tina is also experienced in handling a wide range of matters on behalf of her clients including civil rights violations, mediation and vaccine injury matters.
During her career, Tina has handled numerous six and seven figure cases to successful resolution or verdict. Tina’s recent litigation success includes a 1.0 Million Dollar settlement in a wrongful death automobile vs. tractor-trailer case. Just prior, she obtained 1.25 Million Dollar Verdict in the case of Castleberry v. DeBrot. A wrongful death case involving a primary care physician’s failure to diagnose an impending stroke.
In 2014, Tina Huntington was selected by the Kansas Trial Lawyers Association (formerly KSAJ) as co-recipient of the Consumer Champion Award. This distinguished award is presented for noteworthy contributions to the preservation, enhancement and advancement of the legal rights of Kansas. It is awarded only when the actions have broad ramifications for society. Tina and Larry received the award for their actions in preserving the civil rights of mentally ill and disabled prisoners housed in the Sedgwick County Jail. The lawsuit exposed a culture of cruelty to those helpless individuals. It was highly publicized in local and national press and television. It resulted in the defeat of the current Sheriff and the institution of new policies and facilities for the safe and humane treatment of mentally ill and disabled prisoners.
Tina is also an active member of United Way of the Plains, Kansas Advocates for Better Care, Best Friends Animal Society, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and Kansas Humane Society. In her spare moments, Tina enjoys spending time with her husband, sons, grandchildren, and Dachshund. She is an avid KU Basketball fan.