Westwood Dental Group - 551 High St

Sonal Virwani, DDS, BDS

General Dentist & Certified Invisalign Provider

Sonal Virwani, DDS, BDS

Dr. Sonal Virwani is one of our General Dentists at Westwood Dental Group, formerly the Office of Dr. Donald J. McLellan. Dr. Virwani started her journey in dentistry in 2005 when she attended Himachal Pradesh University in India and earned her Bachelor of Dental Surgery. During her studies, she realized the profession is very dynamic, and there is a lot more available to learn. She practiced in India for a few years while also attending various continuing education programs. One of the continuing education programs she attended was taught by a renowned cosmetic dentist who had learned his advanced skills at New York University. That prompted her to travel halfway across the globe to NYC, where she graduated with her Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2016.