For many people, using organic products has become a way of life. While food is the primary category that health-conscious customers seek out organic standards in, many have expanded their desire to go organic to other health and beauty categories. For many, the more areas of their life that they can find and consume organic products, the better, and the health and wellness industry is no exception. Because word of mouth is the primary source of new customers, we strive to always deliver the best products we can, so that our users will not only become longtime customers, but will recommend CBD Pure to their family and friends as well. We greatly appreciate all the gracious support, complimentary emails, and testimonials we’ve received from CBD Pure users from all over the country, and all walks of life. We are fortunate to have a very supportive (and vocal) base of customers who help us grow our company. In response to numerous suggestions and requests from our clientele, we are announcing the launch of our CBD Affiliate Referral Program. For many people who are interested in natural health products, hemp-based products like CBD may seem a bit difficult to find and acquire. Despite hemp’s long history in the health field, as well as many other industrial and manufacturing applications, its association with marijuana has greatly limited its adoption and acceptance in the health community at large. To be clear, CBD and other derivatives of the cannabis plant, unlike marijuana, are legal in all 50 states.