G3 believes that their recognition program will bring to light the good and positive side of Network Marketing. This is a legal business model. There are good people in this industry and it is a perfect fit for many who desire a part-time, home based business which does not require a huge upfront financial investment. MLM requires one to help their recruits come to their own decision that the opportunity is good for them. The biggest perk for MLM is that average people can associate and be trained by multi-millionaires; and that these ‘Average Joes’ are not in business alone. Team leaders pledge their support in helping teammates become successful. This is one of the most positive attributes of Network Marketing. Distributors are responsible to help their new recruits get their businesses off to a good, positive start, and to continue supporting them as they grow. This kind of support extends up line to the sponsoring distributor's sponsor, and beyond. In short, the entire network is tied together by people helping people succeed. In addition, most companies offer training programs for new recruits, and make helpful materials and literature available.