Adam Paul Green

Best Xocai Product, Xovitality Heart & Brain Health, Was Upheld as the Top Chocolate-MLM by Adam Paul Green

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai.

Xocai XoLove Bites and Jeanette Brooks Launch an All New International Comp Plan with a Unique Translation Capability

LogoJeanette Brooks, the MXI Corp owner is pleased to announce the launch of the all new International Comp Plan with customizable translation capabilities.

Xocai Announces Gluten-Free Chocolate False Claim News, as Adam Green Affirms a Legitimate Clarification of Inflated Scam Allegations

LogoXocai Healthy Chocolate Ambassador, Adam Paul Green, of Anaheim, CA, has just announced on Monday that he has made a recommendation of a legitimate clarification of inflated scam allegation regarding the MXI Corp Business Model. More information is available at

MXI Corp Best-Xocai-Product, Peanut Butter Cup, Was Advocated as the Top Chocolate-MLM by Adam Paul Green

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai.

Xocai Dark Chocolate Addicts Praise New Malaysian Xophoria Cleanser Scientific White-Paper

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai.

Adam Green to Introduce the All New XoLoveBites Aphrodisiac Chocolate in a Healthy-Chocolate International Global Partner Group Meeting

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai. This proprietary and exclusive high-antioxidant blend is utilized in all of Xoçai products and provides a wide-ranging class of nutrients, vitamins and health benefits. XoVita™ consistently contributes to the findings that all of Xocai’s products contain the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available today. (

Adam Green Proudly Endorses Global-Partners for Providing Safe-Working-Conditions for Xocai Slave-Free Dark-Chocolate Xo-Love Bites in Japan

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai. This proprietary and exclusive high-antioxidant blend is utilized in all of Xoçai products and provides a wide-ranging class of nutrients, vitamins and health benefits. XoVita™ consistently contributes to the findings that all of Xocai’s products contain the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available today. (

Xocai Certified-Organic Dark-Chocolate Fanatic, Adam Green Receives Top Sponsoring Award for Cacao Sales of Fair-Trade Xo-Love Bites in Taiwan

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai.

Healthy-Chocolate Team Update as Adam Paul Green Announces New How to Get Rich Plan That Focuses on a High Antioxidant Diet

LogoAdam Paul Green, a MXI Corp Ambassador and G3 Development Social Media Pro, recently announced that the all New "How to Get Rich Plan that Focuses on a High Antioxidant Diet" has launched.

Adam Paul Green Announces International Young-Entrepreneur Search for Graduates from Weber State College

LogoAdam Paul Green is a Japan Business Recruiting Capitalist. Adam just announced the search for a "International Young-Entrepreneur." This search is open to graduates from Weber State College. This award honors those who build the market-leading companies that make our communities, our country and the world a better place. Awarding those who have the ability to create new products and services, transform organizations, enrich lives and contribute to the vibrancy of national economies. Adam will host the "International Young-Entrepreneur" online meeting, from his virtual office. The meeting will take place on June 24, 2014. New call number: 1-888-998-7766 New virtual office login site: As the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai. This proprietary and exclusive high-antioxidant blend is utilized in all of Xoçai products and provides a wide-ranging class of nutrients, vitamins and health benefits. XoVita™ consistently contributes to the findings that all of Xocai’s products contain the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available today. (,, About MXI Corp Established in 2005, Marketing Xocolate International Corporation (MXI-Corp) is the world leader in great tasting, healthy, dark, chocolate products. MXI Corp was founded upon the same solid foundation that the Brooks’ family used to build their enormous Pure Delite Low Carb Chocolate company (circa 2000) which had retail sales in Wal-Mart, 7-Eleven, Rite-Aid and Walgreen’s of over $300,000,000. All MXI products are focused on potent doses of delicious, antioxidant-rich Belgian cacao. MXI-Corp believes that the high levels of natural antioxidants and Polyphenols that are found in its cacao can provide a viable solution to individual nutritional needs. The Xoçai™ (sho-sigh) line, which currently includes nine products, is manufactured utilizing a cold-press process, which preserves the nutritional values of the company's proprietary blends of vitamins and minerals. MXI is recognized as the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate. The vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its unique chocolate products. One unique element of the company’s formulations is their proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí and blueberries, called XoVita™. The Xovita ingredient combination is exclusive to Xoçai. Nevada-based MXI-Corp is a privately held company. Xoçai's nine chocolate products have the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available on the market. The Brooks family, owners and operators of MXI-Corp, have total combined chocolate sales of more than $1 billion. MXI Corp is now operating internationally in 41 countries.