Adam Paul Green

Iksan North Jeolla #1 Network Builder and Top Xocai Team President, Adam Paul Green, Is Managing the 2014 Grand Opening of MXI Corp Korea Through His G3 Development Social Media Webinar Technology for Distributors in Yongin Gyeonggi

LogoThis press release addresses the specific details of the June 15th 2013 announcement by G3 Development Social Media Owner, Adam Green (SLC Utah), to further expand operations in to the Japanese Market. At the monthly International Directors Meeting, the Chairman of the Board extended the Japanese Network Marketing Talent Search through September 2013.  Mr. Green also committed an additional $100,000 per month in Reputation Management for Top Japanese Network Builders.

Xocai Top Leader and 'G3 Development' Controller Adam Green Christened "Carlin" Nevada over 96822 Honolulu HI, 07762 Spring Lake NJ and 85262 Scottsdale AZ as Best "Team Xociety" Leadership Location for Future Japan Conferences

LogoA part of Carlin's history includes the Overland Stage Station & the original Carlin Stone House Ranch, both are now private homes.  Also the Carlin Post Office was established December 4, 1886.  Carlin received its name from Captain William Passmore Carlin who camped one and a half miles up Maggie Creek with a troop of men.  He was on a military expedition from Camp Floyd in Utah to California.  The Central Pacific reached the present Carlin site in December of 1868.  Carlin was selected as the eastern terminus of Humbolt division and a town site was laid out.  The original post office was established on December 4, 1868.

Distinguished "MXI Corp Founders Program" to Be Made Available to "Xocai" Distributors in Kobe Nara and Ota Japan Through Top Leader Adam Paul Green via a Restrictive Webinar in Either Blanding 84511 or Kanarraville 84319 Utah Using JP.FI JA06

LogoThere are many natural functional foods in virtually every food group. As we all know, chocolate itself is a functional food if it contains sufficient antioxidants and flavonoids. However, it is now possible for manufacturers to create functional foods by fortifying and enhancing their products to give them added health benefits never before possible. A new growing segment of functional food is called "probiotics." Probiotic means "fit for life," or "pro-life." Probiotics are living microorganisms which when administered effectively in adequate amounts confer health benefits. The adult intestinal tract is home to approximately 100 trillion microorganisms. More than 400 different bacterial species have already been identified in the intestinal tract.

(Payson, Utah) Adam Green, "Xocai Top Team Lead" and Owner of Social Media Powerhouse "G3 Development," Announces Revolutionary Marketing Campaigns for "Network Marketers" in 94022 Los Altos Hills CA, 11930 Amagansett NY

LogoUnknown to most people, chronic inflammation is the primary contributor to dozens of conditions, ranging from cardiovascular disease and diabetes to dementia and fatigue. And inflammation starts in the cell, spreading to tissues, organs and entire systems. To slow the effects of inflammation, Xoçaí® has created XoVitality™ Antioxidant, a unique blend of powerful phytonutrients that protect the cells, optimize the body’s inflammatory mechanisms and slow the aging process. The aging processes are particularly unkind to the heart, blood vessels and brain. Free radical damage, oxidative stress and inflammation wreak havoc on these vital organs and tissues. Fortunately, XoVitality™ Heart & Brain delivers a comprehensive and powerful blend of ingredients that protect the heart and brain, revitalizing these key organs and systems, and allowing you to enjoy a new vitality for years to come. As we age, our bodies’ abilities to defend against illness, free radicals and the onslaught of toxins diminish. This means that we feel sick more often, have less energy and suffer with overall poor health. The good news is that XoVitality™ Immunity offers a potent array of nutrients that replenish the immune system, optimize its actions, and empower a new level of defense tools for optimal wellness.

Hwaseong Gyeonggi Business Investor and #1 Xocai Team President, Adam Paul Green, Is Spearheading the 2014 Grand Opening of MXI Corp Korea Through His G3 Development Social Media Webinar for Distributors in Yeongju North Gyeongsang

LogoThis press release addresses the specific details of the June 15th 2013 announcement by G3 Development Social Media Owner, Adam Green (SLC Utah), to further expand operations in to the Japanese Market. At the monthly International Directors Meeting, the Chairman of the Board extended the Japanese Network Marketing Talent Search through September 2013.  Mr. Green also committed an additional $100,000 per month in Reputation Management for Top Japanese Network Builders.

Bestselling "Xocai Founders Program" to Be Made Available to "MXI Corp" Distributors in Tokyo Toyohashi and Yamato Japan Through #1 Top Earner Adam Paul Green via a Private Webinar in Either Alpine 84004 or Hyde Park 84316 Utah Using JP.AI JA01

LogoAs the category creator and world leader in healthy chocolate, the true vision of Xoçai is to transform and improve individual lives worldwide through its exclusive and healthy chocolate products. One such unique element is XoVita™, a proprietary high-antioxidant blend of cacao, açaí berries and blueberries, an ingredient combination exclusive to Xoçai. This proprietary and exclusive high-antioxidant blend is utilized in all of Xoçai products and provides a wide-ranging class of nutrients, vitamins and health benefits. XoVita™ consistently contributes to the findings that all of Xocai’s products contain the highest ORAC (antioxidant-measuring test) and flavonoid rich products available today. (

Update for "Xocai" Taipei City Taiwan: "Chinese Speaking Network Builders" Are Centralizing to Founder Adam Paul Green's MXI Corp Multi-Level Income Solutions for "Direct Selling" Professionals in Nagoya, Takasaki and Ageo Japan JP.CH JA04

LogoIt’s no secret that the North American diet is almost entirely deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. The deficiency of omega-3 fats in the North American diet is so severe that it has been linked to an extensive list of health-related problems cited in over 2,000 scientific studies. Omega-3's are essential for the body, meaning they must be obtained through the diet. In fact, the National Institutes of Health recommends that an individual consume at least 220 mg/day of DHA, the most crucial omega-3 fats. The good news is that the Xoçaí Omega Squares provide a minimum of 200 mg of DHA and EPA per three-Square serving. The Squares are an excellent source of omega-3 fats, and promote the necessary balance of essential fatty acids through the unique blend of açai berry, flaxseed and a patented, plant-based omega-3 fat.

Gyeryong South Chungcheong Direct Sales #1 Specialists and Top Xocai Team Executive, Adam Green, Is Orchestrating the 2014 Opening of MXI Corp Korea Through His G3 Development Social Media for Distributors in Yangsan South Gyeongsang

LogoThis press release addresses the specific details of the June 15th 2013 announcement by G3 Development Social Media Owner, Adam Green (SLC Utah), to further expand operations in to the Japanese Market. At the monthly International Directors Meeting, the Chairman of the Board extended the Japanese Network Marketing Talent Search through September 2013.  Mr. Green also committed an additional $100,000 per month in Reputation Management for Top Japanese Network Builders.

News Update for "MXI Corp" Zhongli City Taiwan: "Chinese Builders" Are Ganging to #1 Team Elite Adam Paul Green's Xocai Multi-Level Income Solutions for "Direct Sales" Professionals in Kawasaki, Asahikawa and Joetsu Japan JP.GF JA09

LogoInspired by centuries of European tradition and infused with high-antioxidant and flavonoid-rich chocolate, the Xoçai Sipping Xocolate is the ultimate chocolate experience. Xoçai Sipping Xocolate will be to the chocolate lover what espresso is to the coffee connoisseur. Our Company’s mission is simple; we promote good health, well-being, and the opportunity for an abundant life through our Healthy Chocolate, Xoçai.,,,

Gyeongju North Gyeongsang Esteemed Social Media Guru and #1 Xocai Team Executive, Adam Green, Is Organizing the 2014 Grand Opening of MXI Corp Korea Through His G3 Development Social Media Technology for Distributors in Wonju Gangwon

LogoThis press release addresses the specific details of the June 15th 2013 announcement by G3 Development Social Media Owner, Adam Green (SLC Utah), to further expand operations in to the Japanese Market. At the monthly International Directors Meeting, the Chairman of the Board extended the Japanese Network Marketing Talent Search through September 2013.  Mr. Green also committed an additional $100,000 per month in Reputation Management for Top Japanese Network Builders.