Adam Paul Green

Sunagawa Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and "Healthy Cocoa" Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai Xophoria Serum" Being Marketed to Consumers in Ichikawa, Kurashiki, Koka, Kainan, Iwate and Awara

LogoThe High-Antioxidant Meal Replacement Shake, which boasts an amazing Total ORACfn score of over 50,000 per serving, can significantly boost your antioxidant (ORAC) intake-and lose weight at the same time!

Fukagawa Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and High Antioxidant Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai Xophoria Shampoo" Being Marketed to Consumers in Tateyama, Tamano, Konan, Shiga, Gobo, Kagoshima and Fukui

LogoXocai has developed an exclusive product line called XoVitality. Infused with supporting ingredients, this first-of-it’s-kind, cocoa-based anti-aging supplement helps skin defy the aging process by offering a new, youthful appearance, increased energy and improved overall wellness. Worried about aging? Don’t be. Now there is XoVitality to slow the aging process, enhance health and recapture skins youth.

Furano Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and Anti-Aging Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai Xophoria Conditioner" Being Marketed to Consumers in Kisarazu, Kasaoka, Takashima, Arida, Kanagawa and Fukuoka

LogoXocai has developed an exclusive product line called XoVitality. Infused with supporting ingredients, this first-of-it’s-kind, cocoa-based anti-aging supplement helps skin defy the aging process by offering a new, youthful appearance, increased energy and improved overall wellness. Worried about aging? Don’t be. Now there is XoVitality to slow the aging process, enhance health and recapture skins youth.

Mikasa Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and Natural Energy Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai Meal Replacement" Being Marketed to Consumers in Hirakawa, Kitsuki, Omihachiman, Takaoka, Hokkaido and Obama

LogoThe High-Antioxidant Meal Replacement Shake, which boasts an amazing Total ORACfn score of over 50,000 per serving, can significantly boost your antioxidant (ORAC) intake-and lose weight at the same time!

Unbeaten "MXI Corp Founders Program" to Be Made Available to "Xocai" Distributors in Gifu Matsumoto and Takarazuka Japan Through Top Distributor Adam Paul Green via a Original Webinar in Either Henefer or Price Utah Using JP.WK JA43

LogoXocai has developed an exclusive product line called XoVitality. Infused with supporting ingredients, this first-of-its-kind, cocoa-based anti-aging supplement helps you defy the aging process by offering you a new, youthful appearance, increased energy and improved overall wellness.

Chitose Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and Anti-Aging Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai Xophoria Crème" Being Marketed to Consumers in Chiba, Kunisaki, Moriyama, Kurobe, Ibaraki and Katsuyama

LogoMXI Corp recognizes the importance of providing multiple products focusing on the benefits of unprocessed cacao and açaí berries. As we are all aware, there is not a single product that can please everyone. MXI Corp would now like to share with the Network some exciting information about the new Xoçai™ Activ™.

Monbetsu Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and "Healthy Cocoa" Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai Protein Shake" Being Marketed to Consumers in Aomori, Bungo-Ono, Hikone, Nanto, Hiroshima and Tsuruga

LogoIt’s no secret that the North American diet is almost entirely deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. The deficiency of omega-3 fats in the North American diet is so severe that it has been linked to an extensive list of health-related problems cited in over 2,000 scientific studies. Omega-3's are essential for the body, meaning they must be obtained through the diet. In fact, the National Institutes of Health recommends that an individual consume at least 220 mg/day of DHA, the most crucial omega-3 fats. The good news is that the Xoçaí Omega Squares provide a minimum of 200 mg of DHA and EPA per three-Square serving. The Squares are an excellent source of omega-3 fats, and promote the necessary balance of essential fatty acids through the unique blend of açai berry, flaxseed and a patented, plant-based omega-3 fat.

Distinguished "MXI Corp Founders Program" to Be Made Available to "Xocai" Distributors in Nagano Chigasaki and Isesaki Japan Through Top Leader Adam Paul Green via a Ritzy Webinar in Either Hurricane or Riverside Utah Using JP.AO JA03

LogoInspired by centuries of European tradition and infused with high-antioxidant and flavonoid-rich chocolate, the Xoçai Sipping Xocolate is the ultimate chocolate experience. Xoçai Sipping Xocolate will be to the chocolate lover what espresso is to the coffee connoisseur. Our Company’s mission is simple; we promote good health, well-being, and the opportunity for an abundant life through our Healthy Chocolate, Xoçai.

Nemuro Japan Based Cosmeceutical Distribution and High Antioxidant Company "MXI Corp" Announces 2013 Product Enhancements for Its' "Xocai X Power Square" Being Marketed to Consumers in Hirosaki, Yufu, Kusatsu, Imizu, Hyogo and Ono, Fukui

LogoThe Xoçai® X Power Squares use cacao that produces a high-antioxidant dark chocolate that boasts eight times the levels of epicatechins and catechins, and four times the levels of procyandins than cacao produced with standard processing. X Power Squares are loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids. The Xoçai® X Power Squares are the most powerful, health-promoting, decadent chocolate ever produced.

Creative "MXI Corp Founders Program" to Be Made Available to "Xocai" Distributors in Miyazaki Hachinohe and Ota Japan Through Team Leader Adam Paul Green via a Restricted Webinar in Either Huntington or Richfield Utah Using JP.AI JA01

LogoMXI Corp recognizes the importance of providing multiple products focusing on the benefits of unprocessed cacao and açaí berries. As we are all aware, there is not a single product that can please everyone. MXI Corp would now like to share with the Network some exciting information about the new Xoçai™ Activ™.