Advice On Lice Inc.

Parents Refusing to Treat Their Children's Head Lice Puts Others at Risk

There is a new trend around the United States and the U.K. of parents not treating their children's head lice. The reasoning behind this tends to be that they don't want to expose their children to chemicals or that they simply don't want to be bothered with the situation. While head lice do not pose a threat to life, prolonging treatment can mean spreading it to other people (children more than likely) and also risking skin infection from excessively scratching the scalp. Advice on Lice, in the industry since 2007, effectively and safely eradicates head lice at their Head lice treatment salon located in Maryland and they do not encourage parents to put off seeking treatment for themselves or their children.

Head Lice Treatment Center, Advice on Lice, Can Help with "Super" Lice

There is a new lice in town, it's called "super" lice and it was first reported in 2015 about how this new resistant strain of lice does not respond to typical over the counter medications. The good news is, even though lice is annoying and inconvenient it isn't life threatening. And there's more good news – Advice on Lice, working in the industry since 2007, can help parents and their kids eradicate the new "super" lice strain. Advice on Lice is headquartered in Maryland and they cover Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland. Their head lice salon is a place where kids can go to feel comfortable and relax during the lice eradication process.

Survey Finds Children That Use Smartphones and Tablets Twice as Likely to Get Lice

A recent survey of over 200 children in the United Kingdom has uncovered that kids that use Smartphones and tablets are twice as likely to contract head lice as their electronic-less counterparts. While the study is small, it does suggest that because children tend to huddle together in a circle or group when using Smartphones and tablets, lice find it extremely easy to spread from one head of hair to the next. Advice on Lice is ready to combat head lice and nits with effective head lice treatment. They are centrally located in Maryland and serve clients hailing from Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

Advice on Lice Offers Clients over Ten Years of Experienced Lice Treatment Service

If you have found lice or nits on your child, you might feel a sense of panic. The truth is, it's very common but it can be difficult to treat and difficult to handle. Advice on Lice founder, Karen Franco, gained an interest in treating head lice on children when her own children were in elementary school. She discovered that the schools were not very well equipped with information about treating head lice or preventing it.

Advice on Lice Equipped with Comfortable Head Lice Salon in Maryland to Treat Patients

Lice on children are nothing new. Parents and educators have been dealing with lice infestations for a very long time but that doesn't mean that it ever gets any easier for them. Advice on Lice is a head lice treatment provider that is located in Maryland and serves patients in the Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area. They are well-equipped with a comfortable head lice salon in Maryland where kids and their families can go to get successfully treated for head lice while feeling comfortable.

School Is out but Head Lice Are Still Active: Contact Advice on Lice for Effective Head Lice Treatment

Parents may breathe a sigh of relief when school is out of session for many reasons, no more late night homework sessions, no more early morning lunch runs, and no more pre-test nerves. However, even though it's summer, that doesn't mean that head lice are not still active, they are and parents and caregivers should remain vigilant for signs of lice and nits on themselves and their children. Getting rid of lice and nits can be very arduous work, especially if the parent is tackling it alone. It's better to consult one of the experts in the industry, Advice on Lice, for effective head lice treatment.

Summer Camp Ideal Setting for Spread of Lice & Nits: Protect Yourself with the Assistance of Advice on Lice

According to the CDC, every year 6-12 million children between the ages of 3 and 11 become infested with lice and nits. Most parents panic upon seeing lice and nits on their child and even though it can be quite the task to eliminate them, it isn't impossible. Summer camps are becoming more and more popular and the proximity of children and their sleeping quarters facilitates the spread of these parasites. Advice on Lice has been in the industry of lice and nit elimination since 2007, and is highly capable of assisting with the eradication of lice and nits for families.

Lice Thrive in Either Dirty or Clean Hair, Advice on Lice Offers the Best Head Lice Treatment for Infestations

It's a long-held belief that lice and nits prefer to infest hair that is unclean. Research has proven that this simply isn't the case. They do seem to prefer longer hair, which would put girls more at risk of contracting the parasites then boys. However, lice are mainly interested in feeding off the blood in the scalp, and so the cleanliness of the hair is not an issue.

Advice on Lice Provides Effective & Confidential Head Lice Treatment for Kids & Parents

When parents find lice or nits on their child it usually sends them into a panic. This, in turn, sends the affected child into a panic which can increase the uncomfortable nature of the situation. Now, instead of resorting to panic, parents in the Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland area can rely on the head lice treatment center, Advice on Lice for fast, effective, and confidential treatments.

Use the Convenient Appointment Form at for Fast & Confidential Lice Treatment Service

This press release is to announce to readers that people can use the convenient appointment form at for fast and confidential lice treatment service.