Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD)

Genital Warts and Other HPV Symptoms: What Surgical Procedure Should You Use?; CBCD Reviews a Study

LogoA study showed that all surgical procedures for the removal of HPV abnormal growths have advantages and disadvantages. The CBCD reviews the study and recommends alternative treatments.

Study: Using Public Toilet Seats? Beware of HPV Virus. CBCD Explains Study Implications

LogoA team of scientists, from the Department of Laboratory Medicine at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, headed by Dr. Vitaly Smelov, tested clean public toilet seats for the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV). The team found that 9 out of 10 seats had the virus that causes genital warts and cancer. According to the study, "Apparently clean seats in 23 airports located in 13 countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain and UK) were sampled with (an advanced DNA testing procedure). (The procedure) detected (HPV) DNA in 101/113 (89%) of samples." What makes these statistics even worse is the fact that the HPV virus can stay infectious for up to 7 days. "STI (sexually transmitted infection) particles deposited on environmental surfaces may stay temporarily infectious: … up to 7 days for HPV." (1)

CBCD Calls the Participants of the First EU Summit on Chronic Diseases to Learn About Microcompetition Theory

LogoScientists, academics, policy-makers, business leaders and healthcare professionals gathered in Brussels for the first European Commission Summit on Chronic Diseases. The international gathering focused on the prevention and management of chronic diseases, with a focus on EU medical, social and economically sustainable investments.