Commission Express

Commission Express Announces Presidential Awards for Affiliate of the Year

LogoAdele and Cecilia Yost, Commission Express of Prince William, were presented with the 2015 Presidential Award for Affiliate of the Year by the Greater Piedmont Area Association of Realtors® (GPARR). The outstanding service award was presented at the GPAAR installation of Officers meeting in December.

Commission Express New Franchisee Buys New Jersey Franchises

LogoCommission Express National announced the sale from the Norm and Paul Thompson families to Mr. Jesse Cohen on December 30, 2015. The Thompson family had owned the Commission Express franchise units in New Jersey since 2000, and had purchased over 59 million worth of real estate commissions. "Our mission is simple" described franchisee Jesse Cohen "to provide a reliable source for real estate agents and brokers to quickly and easily convert their commissions into cash in just two days or less. Further, our approach to the marketplace is unique because we underwrite the strength of the transaction, not the real estate agent or broker."

Drones Are Transforming Real Estate Marketing

LogoAlthough the FAA is still hammering out the rules and regulations regarding the use of commercial drones in the United States, there are hundreds and hundreds of companies with permission to use them in the meantime, with more bolstering their numbers on a regular basis. As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that commercial drones have become a popular way for real estate agents to capture a bird's eye view of real estate properties for the purpose of marketing them to interested individuals. Something that is becoming more and more common as real estate consumers begin to warm to the practice as well.

Dealing with the Delay in Commission Payments

LogoThe growth of any business model is dependent on maintaining a positive cash flow, which is the lubricant that drives the wheels of that expansion according to everyone familiar with the subject from first year business students to seasoned CEOs at the helm of international economic juggernauts.

With New RESPA Regulations, Real Estate Brokers Turn to Commission Express for Working Capital

LogoOn October 3, new Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) regulations went into effect. The updated legislation prohibits real estate brokers from receiving commissions for referring people to other businesses. In most cases, brokers cannot receive any commission. Brokers who have relied on these payments to fund their daily business operations must now find a new source of working capital. Many are turning to Commission Express, which provides brokers with advances on real estate commissions that they can legally use to help their cash flow.

Oregon Locals Who Are Concerned About Real Estate Market Blame Californians

LogoCalifornians are taking offense to the countless "no Californians" stickers appearing all over realty signs across the state of Oregon. These stickers feature a red circle with the state of California in the center. Across the state is a long red line.