Cornerstone Pros

Treatment Systems Boost Quality, Taste of Drinking Water

On the one hand, state regulatory agencies insist that it's safe to drink water from Florida's public water systems because, among other things, the water meets quality standards for lead and copper. On the other, watchdog groups, such as the National Resources Defense Council, say far too many Floridians are exposed to unsafe drinking water.

Beat the Heat Wave with Cornerstone Pros

April is the time of year when Florida residents start catching extra heat. Literally. Seasonal temperatures slowly rise, right along with utility costs. And as Floridians know, spring and summer in the Sunshine State is no time to deal with a faulty cooling system. Fortunately, there are solutions for beating the heat without busting the budget.

Cornerstone Pros Eager to Deliver Comfort with Heat Pumps

Residential and business heat pumps generally don't come to mind when one considers everyday life in typically sunny Florida. Truth be told, rare is the month that Floridians aren't enjoying the heating or cooling comfort provided by this efficient system that reduces energy use and lowers utility bills.

Cornerstone Pros Can Help Households Make Clean Water a Priority in 2018

When most people think about making a fresh start in the new year, they think about losing weight, eating healthy, exercising more or learning new skills. Typically, they don't think about their water.

Cornerstone Pros Offers Money-Saving Coupons, Affordable Financing

When family budgets are tight, holiday gift giving can be particularly stressful. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative and affordable ways to spread holiday cheer without leaving a mountain of debt in the months ahead.

Avoid Plumbing Problems During Holiday Get-Togethers

The picture-perfect Thanksgiving traditionally involves family and friends gathered around a holiday table enjoying great food and great conversation. But for the host family, this annual gathering can be stressful, especially when something goes terribly wrong.

Tap Into Money-Saving Water Heater Coupons

As summer fades and cooler temperatures arrive, it's more important than ever to have a reliable source of clean, hot water.

Cornerstone Pros Owner Touts Girl Power

It's been said that behind every good man is a good woman. Well, Dana Spears of Cornerstone Pros is giving that old-fashioned adage a modern-day spin, flipping it on its head.

Cornerstone Pros Owner Breaks Barriers, Raises the Bar

When Dana Spears received the paperwork that made Cornerstone Pros hers, she was a divorced mother of three young children and her bank account was empty. Today, she has grown the business into a thriving HVAC, plumbing and electrical contractor that has served more than 40,000 customers in the greater Tampa area since its inception and employs 55 people.

Cornerstone Pros Offers Needed Assists on AC Installation Costs

Whether it's basketball, baseball, hockey or another sport, athletes know the player who makes the assist is just as important as the player who actually scores.