First Choice Restoration

When Disaster Strikes Call a Restoration Company

Nature has a mind of its own and can be unforgiving to a property owner's home or business. Floods, earthquakes, and fires can leave properties devastated, leaving the property owner with a wide variety of emotions. Fear, disbelief, and anger are common emotions following a disaster. Although, it may be difficult, it is important for the property owner to keep calm following a disaster. The property owner should immediately contact an, Ocean County, NJ, Cape May County, NJ, and Atlantic County, NJ restoration company to clean and restore their property.

First Choice Restoration Can Help Realtors Close the Deal

A realtor has the difficult job of presenting homes to potential buyers. Realtors understand that future homeowners have certain demands when viewing a property. Even if the realtor discovers a great property in a safe neighborhood, several variables can delay the sale. Water damage, mold, and foul odors can ruin even the perfect dream home. If a realtor discovers these problems, they may initially feel hopeless. It can be a daunting task to mitigate, what seems like years' worth of damage. Thankfully, restoration companies can work directly with realtors to mitigate damage to the home.

Restoration Companies Can Properly Neutralize Smoke Odor

A property owners' worst nightmare is a fire. A fire can swiftly destroy everything the business or homeowner worked so hard to build. Thankfully, not all fires are catastrophic and many times a fire can be contained without causing too much damage. Unfortunately, a side effect of small flare-ups is the lingering smell of smoke.

Is Your Gas Heater Causing Mold? Mold Testing and Remediation During the Winter Season

Switching from electric heat to natural gas is a wise decision for the thrifty property owner. Not only does a gas heater warm the property faster than an electric heater, the price of natural gas is much lower than electric. During the winter months property owners with gas heaters can expect to save hundreds during the colder months. However, there is one disadvantage to a gas heater that many property owners don't consider. Gas heaters can cause condensation during winter months. The buildup of condensation eventually can cause mold. The hot air from the gas heater holds moisture and as the air becomes colder, moisture begins to condense on the walls. Left unchecked the condensation gradually increases and mold will form on the property's walls.

Protect Your Property Against Frozen Pipe Bursts: A Basic Guide to Preventing Pipe Bursting This Winter

Winter is already here and that means homes across the nation are susceptible to frozen pipe bursts. Freezing temperatures can cause pipes to burst, which is a nightmare for any property owner. Pipe bursts are caused by the water expanding in your pipes as the water inside gets close to freezing. As the pressure inside the pipe increases, the pipe will eventually burst. According to studies freezing incidents can occur when temperatures are 20 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Pipes that have already begun cracking are already at risk. That's why it's important for property owners to check their pipes during the warmer months to prevent pipe bursting during the winter season. However, it is not too late for homeowners to call an Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) right now to assess their pipes this winter season. According to the Insurance Institute of Business and Home Safety a pipe bursting can cause over $5,000 worth of damage if left untreated, a price too high for something that can easily be avoided.

Water Damage Restoration: A Growing Concern for Homeowners

Water damage is a frustrating situation for any home or business owner. Untreated water damage can cause several different types of property damage including: rotting of wood, mold, rusting of steel, and delaminating of materials such as plywood. Property water damage is a growing concern for property owners. The American Insurance Association reports that, "water damage claims have been growing faster than other components of homeowners insurance". If a property owner suspects water damage in their property it is important to call an Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) right away to assess any damage to your home or business.

Restoration Companies and Public Adjusters Can Work Together

Most restoration companies offer free consultations, as well as free property inspections, for home and business owners that have experienced damage from storm, water, mold, fire, and smoke. Owners are also encouraged to contact a licensed public adjuster to closely evaluate property damage if they are submitting an insurance claim. Along with your restoration company, a public adjuster will make certain that the insured will receive the entitlements included in their insurance policy when property damage occurs.

Will Your Homeowner or Business Insurance Cover Water Damage?

The vast majority of people learn a great deal about their property insurance policy after there has been a devastating event— this is not the best time to have a crash course in coverage. At First Choice Restoration, we see many different insurance policies and water claims. Coverage varies from state to state and from one policy to another, we can share some of the following general guidelines.

First Choice Restoration of Philadelphia Provides Important Tips when Mold Strikes a Building

If good old hand scrubbing with bleach will not solve your mold problem, then it is time to call Philadelphia 's premier mold remediation company – First Choice Restoration. Whether you live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey or Media, Pennsylvania First Choice Restoration will uncover the source of the mold and remove harmful mold spores in your home or business. Since mold is a live fungus that can spread quickly, it must be removed sooner than later. Our certified mold experts will stop little mold problems from becoming big mold hassles quickly.

First Choice Restoration Weighs in on Immediate Response to Building Water Damage Cleanup in the Philadelphia Area

Water damage to a home or business can be a devastating event. In fact, it is the number one damage claim made to insurance companies in the United States. Water damage, whether from storm or plumbing, must be remediated immediately. This is why it is important to hire a certified and licensed water cleanup company right after water destroys your property. First Choice Restoration, with offices in Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, offers their thoughts on rapid response to water building damage.