Ghost Doctors

A Paranormal Activity Holiday Gift - Ghost Hunting in NYC

The holidays in NYC are known for festive celebrations, great food, last minute shopping and now for something completely different -- ghost hunting New York style, says the Ghost Doctors.

Queens NYC Flushing Meadows Park Welcomes Ghostly Thanksgiving Paranormal Activity!

This Thanksgiving holiday join New York's own Ghost Doctors on a ghost hunting adventure through the lawns and fields of NYC's Flushing Meadows Park -- the home of the two former World's Fairs.

NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art Where Paranormal Activity Celebrates Thanksgiving

The Ghost Doctors (aka Dr. Pete and Dr. Stew) noted paranormal investigators and licensed NYC tour guides have been exploring the Metropolitan Museum of Art akin to a plot straight out of a Stephen King thriller in their quest to unearth its paranormal essence.

NYC Grand Central Terminal Now Serving Delicious Ghost Hunts This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving holiday two of New York's noted paranormal investigators will be leading groups of holiday adventurers on supernatural quests to unearth ghostly activity within the world's most iconic train terminal -- Grand Central Terminal.

NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art Takes a Tasty Bite out of Poltergeist Activity

The Ghost Doctors (aka Dr. Pete and Dr. Stew) paranormal investigators and licensed NYC tour guides have scoured NYC's Metropolitan Museum of Art for signs of poltergeist activity for quite some time and now these two seasoned ghost hunters are sharing the adventure with groups of courageous explorers daring to experience a "real" ghost hunt through this iconic museum.

Grand Central Terminal NYC -- Supernatural Ghostly Hauntings?

This fall season, two of New York's noted paranormal investigators will be leading groups of brave amateur ghost hunters through the winding and darkened passages as they crisscross the platforms and tracks of NYC's Grand Central Terminal in search of its ghostly inhabitants. These courageous thrill seekers will be instructed in the fundamentals of ghost hunting including the proper use of a variety of electronic equipment to the utilization of their own senses when searching for signs of paranormal activity.

NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art...Artful Paranormal Activity

This November two of New York's noted paranormal investigators will be leading groups of courageous art loving ghost hunters through the endless wings, hallways and galleries of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in search of its ghostly mysteries. And after these brave recruits receive a crash course in the fundamentals of ghost hunting 101, they'll be drilled in the proper use of different ghost hunting equipment as well as how to detect and even photograph signs of paranormal activity.

Ghost Doctors Ghost Hunting Tours in NYC Grand Central Terminal Wins the Vote by a Landslide

After the long election season of exciting ghost hunting through some of NYC's most iconic landmarks the people have spoken! The Ghost Doctors have been crisscrossing the city, leading adventure seekers from all walks of life on real paranormal ghost hunting treks in search of unusual and at times eerie paranormal goings-on...and the results are in.

Queens NYC Flushing Meadows Park Encounters Ghostly Paranormal Activity

This November the Ghost Doctors will be leading groups of adventure seekers on ghostly explorations of the old World's Fairs grounds in Queens NYC's Flushing Meadows Park.

NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art Charge of the Supernatural Horsemen

Ghostly horsemen with lances held high riding proudly upon their faithful mounts draws the eye of visitors within Metropolitan Museum of Art's Arms and Armor gallery. But it's also drawing the eye of an incredible ghostly adventure galloping through the hallways of this iconic museum.