For most of history, golf carts have been used by golfers for carrying their golf equipment around a golf course, which relieves a golfer of the fatigue of walking 18 holes of golf. But today, consumers buy golf carts for many different reasons. Besides their standard use at golf courses, golf carts are now being to move around in a neighborhood, as a mule for aircraft, as an ATV when hunting, for showing property, and much more. Golf carts are also vital for those who work on large sites such as construction and landscaping projects. With this in mind, sells a large arrange of golf carts, like the EZ-GO TXT Golf Cart. They sell both New and Used / Refurbished Golf Carts, shipped to your door, at the most competitive prices. Golf carts are available in champagne, orange, patriot blue, inferno red, steel blue, black, yellow, white, flame red, electric blue and many other custom colors. EZ-GO TXT Golf Carts are highly efficient and convenient to use.