ImageFIRST Denver

ImageFIRST Denver Patient Gown Makes Cameo in Brian Urlacher Video

One of the biggest medical stories of the past few months was the recent transformation of former Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher's appearance. Famously bald throughout his career, Urlacher proudly debuted a full head of hair in public last month, thanks to the help of hair restoration. A video featuring Urlacher before and after his procedure was recently released showing the transformation. The team at ImageFIRST Denver, a medical linen and laundry provider that supplies scrubs and uniforms in Colorado Springs, CO, was thrilled to realize that Urlacher was wearing one of the company's patient gowns throughout.

ImageFIRST Denver Helps Surgery Centers Prepare for New Patient Survey

ImageFIRST Denver, a provider of medical linens like scrub uniforms in Pueblo, CO, tirelessly works to improve their customers' ability to create exceptional experiences. Recently, ImageFIRST Denver shared the breaking news of an important upcoming change to patient experience reporting in outpatient and ambulatory surgery centers.

ImageFIRST Denver Shares CDC's 2015-2016 Influenza Report

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recently released "What You Should Know for the 2015-2016 Influenza Season," a slideshow of frequently asked questions about influenza season in the United States, the yearly flu season is both inevitable and unpredictable. In order to protect themselves, individuals should do their utmost to prevent the spread of flu by following CDC guidelines. ImageFIRST Denver, a provider of sanitized nurse uniforms in Denver, CO, recently shared the specifics of the CDC's report with its clients, just in time for peak flu season, which typically occurs between December and February.

DiJulius Group Puts Spotlight on ImageFIRST

The DiJulius Group is dedicated to enhancing customer service experiences around the world. Recently, the renowned consulting group featured ImageFIRST, a medical uniform and linen company in Fort Collins, CO, in their blog to highlight the company's commitment to customer service and the powerful effects of their consistent dedication to the everyday lives of both customers and ImageFIRST associates. ImageFIRST Denver is pleased to share this news with its current customers and those interested in learning more about the difference that ImageFIRST makes.

ImageFIRST Denver Helps Healthcare Facilities Improve Patients' Experience

The Beryl Institute, an organization dedicated to improving the patient experience in healthcare facilities worldwide, recently released its 2015 State of Patient Experience report. The report gathers feedback from 1,561 respondents in 21 countries across the healthcare spectrum. With the report, the Beryl Institute identifies key trends in patient experiences. ImageFIRST Denver, the leading medical linen and garment laundry facility in Colorado, recently shared the report with its clients to highlight the importance of patient feedback and satisfaction in the operation of medical facilities.

ImageFIRST Denver Shares Hand Hygiene Study with Clients

This past July, an article by Karen Lillis in Infection Control Today analyzed an Irish study of how workplace culture in healthcare facilities affects hand hygiene. Entitled "Workplace Culture Impacts Hand Hygiene Compliance," the article examined the multiple factors that motivated healthcare workers to follow hand hygiene procedures, and also detailed how their perception of their work environment affected their compliance. ImageFIRST Denver, a laundry and linen service that works exclusively with healthcare facilities, has shared this article with its clients.