ImageFIRST New York

ImageFIRST New York Helping Area Surgery Centers Increase Patient Satisfaction

Increasing patient satisfaction has always been the primary focus of medical providers, both out of compassion and because patient happiness with services provided can be tied to hospitals' success rates. When steps are taken to improve patient perception of a facility, that facility's overall ranking is likely to improve, influencing funding and other important aspects of running a medical care center. Small details can greatly impact patients' reported opinions of the care they've received, and with ImageFIRST New York's remarkable healthcare laundry services and products, serving New York City with medical scrub uniforms and other products, area hospitals and outpatient clinics can take an affordable, simple step towards making patients comfortable and thus bettering their scores on important surveys.

ImageFIRST New York Participates in American Cancer Society's Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk

Every year, breast cancer survivors and their family and friends gather to raise money and awareness, as well as support one another, at the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk. The aim of the event is twofold – not only do breast cancers survivors and those affected by the disease have the chance to meet others in similar situations and share their experiences, but they can also raise funds that go directly to the American Cancer Society's research and outreach programs. This year, ImageFIRST New York, which supplies sanitized linens, gowns and medical uniforms in Brooklyn, and the rest of NYC, is proud to announce that employees from their location participated in the Newark, New Jersey, Making Strides fundraising walk.

ImageFIRST New York Providing OSHA-Compliant Healthcare Laundry Services to Area Medical Providers

Infection Control Today, a leading infection prevention publication, recently reported on OSHA compliance by healthcare laundry service providers in an article titled "Imperatives for Staying OSHA-Compliant in the Healthcare Laundry." Mishandling of laundry services, such as during a recent incident in a NY-based laundry facility that compromised the health and safety of its employees, can have damaging and even fatal consequences, while adhering to OSHA imperatives for the handling of contaminated laundry can do much to prevent healthcare-acquired infections. ImageFIRST New York has shared this article amongst its associates and clients alike to help demonstrate the importance of handling healthcare laundry in a fully compliant, responsible manner.

ImageFIRST New York Introduces Captain Remarkable, Healthcare Laundry Hero

New York, the inspiration for Gotham City, no longer counts only Batman as its resident super hero. Captain Remarkable, has made his debut as the spandexed-and-caped face of, and cheerleader for, ImageFIRST associates across the country, including those at the ImageFIRST New York. Through a video available online, "Captain Remarkable Flies Again!," ImageFIRST helps clients understand what makes them both different and remarkable – namely, their unique company ethos, which advocates that, above all, their associates "Be Respectful. Be Remarkable. Be Safe. Be Honest."

ImageFIRST New York Associates Donate to St. Jude's Children's Hospital

At ImageFIRST, a healthcare laundry services provider with 36 locations nationwide, the company's ultimate goal is to be the cost-effective solution for greater patient satisfaction. With associates, communities, customers and their patients at the heart of their stated purposed, ImageFIRST has established itself as a leader in its industry in large part due to its commitment to providing personable, reliable and remarkable services. Along with their customer-first approach, ImageFIRST understands the importance of being involved in the communities where their employees and clients live and work, and provides myriad volunteer and donation opportunities to all its associates. This June at ImageFIRST New York, employees showed their commitment to their communities by donating $4,138 to St. Jude's Hospital.