Intermountain Healthcare

Two Intermountain Healthcare Leaders Named to 100 Most Influential in Healthcare - 2021 List

LogoMarc Harrison, MD, president and CEO of Intermountain Healthcare, and Dan Liljenquist, senior vice president and chief strategy officer for Intermountain, have been named by Modern Healthcare magazine to their 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare for 2021 rankings.

Making Toddler's Snacks Healthy

LogoToddlers love to snack. But many grab-and-go snacks popular with busy families are processed and contain excess sugar and sodium that can lead to poor eating habits and health concerns later in life.

Intermountain Healthcare Team Up with the Utah Department of Health and Others to Help Support Community Health Workers for Vulnerable Communities

LogoThe Utah Department of Health Office of Health Disparities responds to unequal access of health and pandemic related information through Community Health Workers. Through close community partnerships, the Office of Health Disparities provides necessary funding and other resources to continue the essential work of communicating with refugee and immigrant communities.

Sleep Is Important. Eight Tips for Better Sleep

LogoAbout a third of adults worldwide report experiencing insomnia, an actual sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep.

How Intermountain Healthcare Is Working to Ensure Patient Safety when Opioids Are Used

LogoHow did Utah handle the COVID pandemic in terms of drug overdose deaths? Overall, Utah is not experiencing as significant of increase in all overdose deaths as reported in other states.

Nurses Stand in for Santa for 'My First Christmas' Photos with Fragile Babies at Intermountain Healthcare Newborn ICUs

Logo"My First Christmas with Santa" photos continued this year thanks to St. Nick's special helper nurses at newborn ICUs at Intermountain Healthcare's Intermountain Medical Center and Primary Children's Hospital.

Holiday Stress? Take Time to Get Blood Pressure Checked and Reduce Risk of a Heart Attack

LogoThe holidays can be a busy time with family gatherings, parties, shopping, traveling, and other extra events and activities that can add stress. And all those things can make it difficult to eat healthy. Parties often include indulgent, fatty, salty, and sugary foods and alcoholic drinks, so it can be hard to eat or drink in moderation or get enough sleep.

Child Life Specialists Suggest Safety First when Shopping for Toys

LogoIt is the gift giving time of year, and experts from Intermountain Healthcare are advising parents and grandparents to be aware of safety when it comes to picking out toys this holiday season.

Winter Is Coming – Tips on Preventing Injuries

LogoDecreasing temperatures and increasing precipitation across the intermountain west is bringing an increase to visits to urgent care and emergency departments.

Eating Healthy During the Holidays

LogoIt can seem challenging to eat healthy, especially during the holidays. But experts with Intermountain Healthcare say it doesn't have to be.