
Social Security Number and Identity Theft Prevention Tips

LogoThe crime of personal identity theft is rising, with more than 9 million people victimized by it every year. The damage to an injured party’s credit score is immeasurable and often not noticed right away. The cost to repair it is immense. The following will provide information about Social Security number and identity theft and will offer some ways to prevent it.

Teenagers Drinking and Driving and Their Horrible Consequences

LogoFacing the fact that one’s teenaged child has been drinking and then getting behind the wheel of a vehicle is one of the hardest things a parent must do. Believe it or not, almost 70% of teens imbibe alcohol at least once a month. A number of them then drive, not realizing it may be the last thing they do. Teenagers drinking and driving can have disastrous result, including irrevocably changing an innocent person’s life by injuring them and killing an unsuspecting pedestrian. As a society, there must be a way to stop this risky behavior, and the following looks into some possible solutions to the problem.

Why Is Drunk Driving a Problem for Teenagers

LogoTeens are really just tall children, and they have the idea that they are invincible. They believe they can do whatever they want with virtually no consequences. When teens drink too much then get in a car and drive, they truly do not think they’re drunk. Why is drunk driving a problem these kids can’t seem to avoid? One reason is that access to alcohol is relatively unlimited for them. They can sneak it from their parents’ liquor cabinet, have an older sibling or friend purchase it for them, or go to parties where there are people old enough to drink legally and sip from their drinks.

How to Find an Effective Military Divorce Attorney

LogoIf one knew a military divorce attorney, one would also know about the Service Member’s Civil Relief Act. This Act enables a serviceperson on active duty to devote all of her attention to the protection of the country rather than to personal issues until her tour is over and then for up to 60 days longer. The following information will offer some thoughts about military divorce lawyers and their role in a serviceperson’s divorce, including their knowledge of military personnel-specific divorce laws.

Statistics of Teenage Drunk Driving: Facts All Parents Must Know

LogoAs adults and parents, most folks think they know the statistics of teenage drunk driving incidents, but they’d be surprised at how wrong they might be. As much as 70% of teens aged 13 to 19 drink alcohol at least once each day. The following information will provide more facts about teenage drunken driving and will offer some thoughts on how to stop it.

Solutions for Drunk Driving: Prevent Drunk Driving America

LogoMost folks are aware of the issues that surround driving after drinking more than one alcoholic beverage. They know that intoxicated drivers cause more traffic accidents than sober ones, and that they are responsible for 32% of traffic fatalities each year. What these good people don’t know is what the solution to the drunk driving problem is. The following information will shed some light on that subject.

Military Pension and Divorce: How to Divide when Divorcing

LogoA military pension is a benefit paid to retired military personnel. These pensions are an all-or-nothing deal; unlike civilian pensions, it cannot be borrowed against or cashed out early. Divorcing military members can either be awarded their entire pensions by a judge, or be told that it will be divided with the ex-spouse. The following information will provide insight about how military pension is affected by divorce.

How to Prevent Identity Theft in a Business, Preventing Business Identity Theft

LogoThere exists a common misunderstanding of truth among small business owners: They are under the impression that their businesses are simply too small to attract the interest of an identity thief. They’re as wrong as wrong can be. The following is intended to offer insight into how and why small businesses become identity theft victims and about how to prevent identity theft in a business.

Children Identity Theft Prevention Resources and Information

LogoImagine this: A five-year-old girl owns a yacht and has a mortgage. A teenager has bad credit because of defaulted loans – loans he did not take out. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Sadly, these scenarios have happened and will continue to happen as the crime of child identity theft grows more prevalent. The reason this felony occurs at such a high rate is because it is so easy for an ID thief to get hold of a child’s information. All a thief needs is a child’s Social Security number (SSN) to wreak havoc on that child’s future. The following are some ideas about how to ascertain that one’s own child does not have to suffer the consequences of an identity thief’s actions, which are devastating and far-reaching.

College Students and Drunk Driving Facts and Statistics

LogoCollege students are involved in 1, 825 alcohol-related unintentional incidents, including auto accidents, each year. Other issues around imbibing too much alcohol are accidental injuries to self or others and fatalities. The following information will provide some more statistics about college students and drunk driving and will offer some possible ways to stop this behavior.