Market Research Reports, Inc.

United States Pet Food Ingredients 2017 Market Report; Launched via

LogoUnited States Pet Food Ingredients Market Report 2017 report splits the United States market into seven regions: The West Southwest The Middle Atlantic New England The South The Midwest with sales (volume), revenue (value), market share and growth rate of Pet Food Ingredients in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast).

South Korea Proton Therapy Market, Patients Treated, List of Proton Therapy Centers and Forecast to 2022; New Report Launched

LogoSouth Korea proton therapy market is anticipated to almost three-fold during the period 2016 - 2022. The number of patients treated with Proton Therapy in South Korea is very low whereas; the potential candidates for proton therapy are huge. Unfortunately, the access to proton therapy is limited for a vast population, owing to a low number of proton therapy centers. Hence, many research institutions and hospitals have now started investing in proton therapy to make it more accessible to patients.

Online Consumer Payments: Sizing the Opportunity Report Launched from

LogoOnline Consumer Payments: Sizing the Opportunity report examines the online consumer payments market in 28 global markets, considering the overall market size and its development, as well as the importance of mobile devices as opposed to desktop and laptop computers. The report also breaks down the online market by the type of goods consumers buy and the tools they choose to pay with, considering how consumer buying behavior has changed and the drivers of this change.

Microalgae DHA in China Market Report; Launched via

LogoMicroalgae DHA has been developing in China for more than 10 years. With a growing concern for health by Chinese people, microalgae DHA as a healthful food additive has become more and more popular in China these years. In order to deeply study the microalgae DHA market in China, Publisher has done lots of researches and investigations and generated the second-edition market report concerning China's microalgae DHA market based on the previous report called Production and Market of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) which was published in Jan. 2012 as well as the First Edition of this report.

Japan Proton Therapy Market, Patients Treated, List of Proton Therapy Centers and Forecast to 2022; New Report Launched

LogoJapan proton therapy market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 18% during the period 2017 - 2022. The number of proton therapy centers is continuously increasing in Japan. Still, it is believed that players will miss out on a majority of cancer patients who can benefit with proton therapy, overlooking a huge multi-Billion-dollar potential market. The number of patients treated with Proton Therapy is very low whereas; the potential candidates for proton therapy are huge.

Global Knock out Machine Shakeout Machine 2017 Market Report; Launched via

LogoKnock Out Machine Shakeout Machine Report by Material, Application, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2021 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the main countries (United States, Germany, united Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).

Global Fiber Cement Market Research 2011 - 2022 Market Report; Launched via

LogoThe Global Fiber Cement market is estimated to reach 15.3 Billion USD in 2017. The objective of report is to define, segment, and project the market on the basis of type, channel, and region, and to describe the content about the factors influencing market dynamics, policy, economic, technology and market entry etc.

Global Hypertension Treatment Device Sales 2017 Market Report; Launched via

LogoHypertension Treatment Device Sales Report by Material, Application, and Geography – Global Forecast to 2021 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the main countries (United States, Germany, united Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).

Global Centrifugal Engine-Driven Pumps 2011 - 2022 Market Report; Launched via

LogoThe Global Centrifugal Engine-Driven Pumps market is estimated to reach 918 Million USD in 2017. The objective of report is to define, segment, and project the market on the basis of type, application, and region, and to describe the content about the factors influencing market dynamics, policy, economic, technology and market entry etc.

Disease and Pest Occurrence in China Market Report; Launched via

LogoThis report is about disease and pest occurrence on crops in China. Basic information such as occurrence, control and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China was reported in detail in the report in order to guide investments and business movements for the players who pay close attention to the industry or try to find opportunities from it.