Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a power semiconductor device that can also be used as an electronic switch, a characteristics similar to MOSFETs. Global power transistor market industry was valued at $13.1 billion in 2011. IGBT is cost efficient solution to replace MOSFET, which is also compatible with higher voltage range (400-600V). The switching characteristics of IGBTs are almost equal to the MOSFETs, without any opportunity cost of superior conduction. IGBT switching frequency is 150Hz. IGBT has three times the current carrying capacity than MOSFETs. Due to all these reasons, it is expected that designer will design the products with the help of IGBT. As per study, IGBT, so far operates at 2000C` temperature (1300V). Lack of stable characteristic of device at a higher temperature is acting as limiting factor to adopt IGBT into high voltage operating areas. This barrier is expected to reduce its impact on the market in medium and long term. To test the IGBT at such high temperatures and measure its characteristics is a very challenging task.Key companies profiled in this report are ABB, Dynex Semiconductor Ltd, Fuji Electric Co., Renesas Electronics Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Sanyo Electric co, Priceton Power System, Hitachi, Vishay Intertechnology Inc.