My Identity Doctor

Noted Engraved Medical Bracelet Provider, My IDentity Doctor Shows Support for National Cord Blood Awareness Month

Noted Engraved Medical Bracelet provider, My IDentity Doctor, shows support for ‘National Cord Blood Awareness Month’ and stresses on the importance of stem cell preservation.

My IDentity Doctor, Trusted Provider of Engraved Medical Jewelry Supports National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month

July is observed as National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month. An initiative taken by many individual and organizations to raise awareness and keep people informed about the cleft and craniofacial defects and offer support to patients and their families. These are generally birth defects that alter the function and structure of the head and face of the babies. However, in some cases, severe war injuries also significantly disturb the normal appearance and functioning of these body parts, thus, requiring some kind of cosmetic surgeries.

Reflecting on Disability (ADA) Awareness Day with My IDentity Doctor, Leading Medical ID Bracelet Provider

My IDentity Doctor, leading Medical ID Bracelet Provider reflects on Disability (ADA) Awareness Day, which is scheduled to be observed on the upcoming July 16. Every year Disability (ADA) Awareness Day is celebrated to mark the signing of Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA, a federal law that came into existence to ensure that people with disabilities share equal opportunities in the field of employment have equal access to transportation, public services, and telecommunications. In other words, it was introduced to simplify the lives of people suffering bodily challenges, mitigate discrimination against them by making it illegal and at the same time instill awareness and empathy among others for differently abled people.

This UV Safety Month My IDentity Doctor, A Trusted Name for Medical Alert Bracelet Discuses Tips for UV Protection to Ensure Safe and Fun Filled Summers

It is summer time and weather is fine for indulging in some outdoor activities, however it is important to ensure proper shielding against the damaging UV rays before stepping out to make the outing a pleasant one.

My IDentity Doctor Now Offers a Reliable Assortment of Pre-Engraved Medical Bracelets

Medical IDs are acknowledged for their lifesaving role during medical emergencies, in order to shield lives in the event of any such crisis, My IDentity Doctor now offers a reliable assortment of pre-engraved medical bracelets. These bracelets are recommended for those suffering from any crucial chronic illness or any sort of drug or food allergies. As these are engraved with information about the said conditions, the Paramedics and Doctors can get familiar with the medical history of the patient and ensure right treatment. Use of these medical IDs prevents medical crisis from tuning catastrophic due to inaccurate medication or treatment.

My IDentity Doctor Shares the Spirit of Fireworks Safety Month by Sharing Some Fire Safety Tips

The onset of summer vacations means there are more barbecue parties to organize and attend and not to forget the grand fireworks that mark 4th of July celebrations. Fire in one way or the other plays a role in all these revelries and there is nothing scary about it as long as all the safety measures are taken care of beforehand. With June being a fire safety month, My IDentity Doctor, a noteworthy provider of professional medical alert ID jewelry shared the spirit of this month by sharing some fire safety tips.

My IDentity Doctor Now Offers a Trustworthy Assortment of Glaucoma Medical ID Bracelets

Infamous as ‘silent thief of sight’ because of no visible signs during initial stages, Glaucoma hampers the visions of the people mostly with high myopia, diabetes, or belonging to black race. My IDentity Doctor now offers a trustworthy assortment of Glaucoma Medical ID Bracelets that are a perfect accessory to inform medical professionals about the patient suffering from this disease during any medical crisis.

This Fireworks Safety Month, My IDentity Doctors, Provider of Medical Alert Jewelry Discusses How to Keep Kids Safe with Fireworks

Fireworks usually mark a festive spirit or a joyous event, but one careless or inconsiderate step is enough to dampen all the joy and excitement. June is observed as fireworks safety month and as children are most excited about fireworks and thus most prone to fire related injuries, My IDentity Doctor, a trusted medical alert jewelry provider chooses this month to discuss ‘How to Keep Kids Safe with Fireworks’.

My IDentity Doctor, Medical Alert ID Jewelry Provider Deliberates over Managing Life with Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a systemic auto-immune disease that affects skin initially causing hardening and tightening of skin and in the advanced stages it adversely effects lungs, arteries, and the digestive system. This disease, which is common more in women than in men, sadly has no absolute cure, but medication and preventive measures can allow people manage and control the symptoms.

My IDentity Doctor Registers Participation in Home Safety Month Through Engraved Medical Bracelets

June is celebrated as the national home safety month and My IDentity Doctor registers participation in all the activities related to the same, through their engraved medical bracelets that ensure safety of family members during medical emergencies. Inside home, accidents can be a result of loose railing, cords, slippery floors or bad lighting. In these circumstances, medical ID bracelets can prevent situations from turning worse if the victim is also a patient of any kind of chronic health conditions.