Piece of Cake PR

The Happy Tips Book: Life-Enthusiast, Susan Spira, Releases Book of 100 Quick and Easy 'Self Edits'.

With a view to helping people achieve greater personal joy and fulfillment, Susan Spira’s inspirational new book proves that happiness really does come from within.

The Truth About Time: New Book Concludes Oldest Tale Ever Written

On December 21st, the potential of existence will change for good, following the online release of a new book by John West (The Comforter).

Ken Tool, or Obamaism: New Satire Novel Targets Progressives and the Media

President Barack Obama has enjoyed a cozy three year reprieve from satirists, comics and humorists. However, thanks to the release of a biting new satirical novel by Dan Jewell, the President may find that all is about to change.

New Book by Acclaimed Entertainment Business Strategist Shares Secrets to Starting a Successful Record Label

While starting a record label can be a profitable and self-fulfilling experience, many would-be entertainment entrepreneurs find themselves in the dark about how to set their course for success. However, thanks to a new book by an acclaimed New York entertainment industry strategist, the sweet sounds of success can be in anyone’s hands.

Computer Secrets: Confessions of a PC Tech - New Book Helps Layperson Solve 80% of All Computer Dilemmas.

With twenty five years of experience and over 30,000 fixed machines to his name, Ken Jaskulski knows a thing or two when it comes to computers. In his new ground-breaking book, Jaskulski prepares even the most technically-challenged to tackle, fix and conquer over 80% of all computer problems.

The Last Alignment: New Book by NC College Student Doubles Up as His Thesis

Most college students trudge through their thesis with budging eyes and haste. However, for one North Carolina college student, his thesis was the result of a passion for writing and an abundance of creative talent.

Addiction: Why They Use- Book Provides New Healing Perspectives for Families of Addiction.

Written as a handbook for anyone who loves an alcoholic or addict, ‘Why They Use’ give solutions for the loved ones and friends of the addicted, no longer are they left to suffer alone in silence without a healthy resolution to their probem.

Beyond the Eyes: New Young Adult Book Series Tells Story of Good Versus Evil

Packed with romance, a love triangle, horror, friendship and suspense – writer Rebekkah Ford takes young and adult readers on a journey with protagonist Paige Reed, into a world where nothing is quite as it seems.

High School Teacher and Author, Frank Nappi, Causes Online Stir with Latest Novel

Telling the story of a teacher who embarks on a self-destructive and dangerous relationship with a student, the real-life teacher and author of ‘Nobody Has to Know’ is creating quite a buzz following the release of a sample chapter.

When I See America, I See Love - Urban Soul Singer, John Butler, Announces Tribute to America

For over twenty five years, Urban Soul Music has been dominated by the name John Butler. Following a multi-award winning career, the acclaimed singer/songwriter is today announcing the reinvention of himself, with a stronger focus on the concept of ‘Cause Music’.