Piece of Cake PR

Word to the Wise: Albino Author's New Book Exposes "Power of Perception"; Empowering Readers from All Walks of Life to Rise Above Negativity

Chris Jones spent his early years like many visually impaired people do – trying to find a way to either hide or supress their disability's symptoms so they can compete with their able-bodies peers. However, Jones quickly learned that his afflictions were a gift and, after embracing who he was as a person, excelled through education to invent a cutting-edge energy storage and harvesting device.

RainFalls So Your Light Can Shine: Powerful Collection of Uplifting Fiction Urges Readers to Love, Forgive & Triumph Through Their Pain

While billions claim to love, most people succumb to the toxic epidemic of bitterness towards themselves and others. While it may first appear to be counter-intuitive, author Kay Nicole Varner calls on everyone to let go, forgive and move forward.

The Memoir Midwife: Comic-Turned-Writer Urges Fellow Authors to 1…2…3…PUSH; in 9-Step Guide to Giving Birth to Their Debut Book

If there is anyone who can liken self-publishing to giving birth, its stand-up comic Stacy Dymalski. While her 'Confessions of a Band Geek Mom' shot to critical acclaim, Dymalski found herself sweating away in literature's proverbial delivery room wondering how on earth she got pregnant with a book in the first place, how she would squeeze it out into the world, and how she would to nurture it into a best-seller.

Midnight and the Man Who Had No Tears: Uplifting Fantasy-Folklore Series Invites Children on Healing Journey Down "River of Dreams"

There's no way to sugarcoat it; the narrative of modern life forces millions of children to see shame in their trauma, suffer in silence and ultimately deny themselves the healing they deserve. But one Californian writer is out on a mission to re-write society's rulebook, with a powerful new children's series that deals with full humanity and empowers youngsters to reach out for support and embrace healing.

The One Another Project: Senior Pastor's Affirming New Book, Transposed from Original Sermons, Provides Checklist for Conforming to the Image of Christ

Through a lifetime of Bible study and dedication to the Body of Christ, Wayne Hoag has encountered a myriad of life-changing admonitions. However, none quite as fascinating and pertinent as the twenty-nine 'One Another' admonitions in the New Testament, which called him to do something life-changing for the congregation at his church.

Foundation for a Well-Ordered You: In a World Where Few Take the Time to Listen, New Bible-Based Book Balances Life's Myriad of Challenges

There's no way to sugarcoat it, most people struggle to balance life's many challenges. Coupled with an epidemic where few in society listen to those around them, it's no wonder many suffer in the depths of their own despair. Valeria K. Myrick has been there and, having triumphed through prayer, is now out to help the masses with a compelling and uplifting new self-help book.

5-Star Reviews Flood in for Book of Real-World Letters Between WWII Adolescents. It's a True Love Story Hollywood Could Never Portray

When Laura Lynn Ashworth discovered a series of old letters in the house of a relative, she had no idea of the engrossing and gripping story they told. Sent between nineteen year-old Sal and fifteen year-old Loretta during the final years of WWII, their correspondence gave illuminating insight not only into a world at war, but the grassroots lives of youngsters living in its wake.

Ruby ShinesBright and the Birthday Cake: Fun New Book Invites Kids to Take a Slice of Vital Lessons in Sharing, Healthy Eating & Consequences

Imagine the sight; a glistening new birthday cake topped with mouth-watering icing and an opportunity to have it all to one's self; exactly the thought process of Ruby ShinesBright in a decision that would turn her pending birthday party into a race-against-time to replace the cake she devoured in the middle of the night.

Crossing Red Lights: 15 Year-Old Pens Breakthrough Mystery & Romance Novel, Can a Lone Girl Solve the Mystery of Her Parents' Disappearance

While most youngsters throw their rucksack down after a long day at school and have no intention of picking up a pen for as long as possible, Brooklyn's Sadaf Ayaz sets to work moonlighting as an author. Ayaz may only been fifteen, but her work is already rapidly proving that even young authors can rival their genre's bestsellers.

The Lockbox: Searing New Novel Fuses Fact & Fiction to 'Unmask' Religion & Expose Its Destructive Truth

Dr. Curtis Pickert is no ordinary author, having worked tirelessly to better understand the real truth of God, the world's religions and wider human existence. In 1991 he sat down and put pen to paper in an attempt to both address and expose how religious falsehoods have evolved. Over two decades later, those truths and their suggested alternatives have been published as a potentially life-changing new novel.