PRG, Ltd.

'Friendly Shipping' Saves Time and Money for International Deliveries

Juan Pablo Serrano has developed a new concept for domestic and international shipping. It’s called KOOIK, pronounced “quick” and uses social media to send packages all over the world. It’s “friendly shipping.”

William Coles Launches Competition for Literary Fiction Illustrators

William Coles, a retired academic ophthalmic surgeon, has spent the past two decades writing literary stories and lecturing about literary fiction. He has also created the “Story in Literary Fiction” website ( ) as an educational resource for writers.

Smart TV News: An Innovative Way to Deliver Customized Information

Smart TV News, developed by Thomas Davis of Jefferson, Texas, is the next generation of news delivery. Subscribers to the new service will be able to log into any web-enabled device and receive news that impacts them. Viewers will see a personalized set of short local, state and national clips which have news value. The clips will have links to more detailed information.

Grandfather of Sandy Hook Victim Campaigns for New Gun Safety Device

Carmen Lobis is on a mission to make the world safe for all children. He is the grandfather of Ben Wheeler, one of the 20 schoolchildren who were slain at the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy in December of 2012. Wheeler was just 6 years old.

Sufyan's New CD Aims to Create Awareness About Mental Illness

Sufyan is a 37-year-old singer-songwriter from Singapore living in Malaysia with an important story to tell. It’s his own personal account of struggling with mental illness. Slowly but surely, he is finding his way out of the darkness – through his music and by helping others.