Propacea Limited

UK Property - the Year Ahead

The Advisory stares into the crystal ball (or maybe the crystal whiskey glass) to forecast what will transpire in the property world in 2011.

House Prices in UK Market Towns on the Rise

After decades in the outer reaches of fashion, property in England’s market towns has made a surprising return to popularity, according to Lloyds TSB, which has tracked the price of homes in 111 market towns.

What Next for UK Interest Rates

Home owners and potential buyers have been peering into the tea leaves for months, trying to second-guess movements in interest rates. Will we have another six months of historically low rates, or a year, or two years?

Grey Mortgages on the Rise

The number of pensioners with mortgages is rising relentlessly, accoriding to new research from the Saga Group. There are already a quarter of a million people over 65 who are still repaying mortgages and that figure could rise to a million within five years.