
Solar Energy Now Available at ReportsandReports

The $2.6 billion (manufacturers’ dollars) U.S. solar industry has experienced strong growth over the past five years. Demand soared due to improved photovoltaic technologies and lower prices; sharp increases in competing energy costs, and the expansion of government and financial incentives. This resulted in a 55.0% industry compound annual growth rate.

Worldwide Market for Cancer Diagnostics, 4th Edition, Now Available at ReportsandReports

Diagnostic tests for effective cancer screening are obviously needed more than ever. As cancer becomes more treatable, diagnostics are finding multiple expanded roles, including pharmacodiagnostics for matching the targeted treatment to the patient and ongoing disease monitoring as treatable cancer enters the realm of the chronic disease.

Innovations in Oral Solid Drug Delivery: Advances in Nanotechnology, Controlled Formulations & peptide delivery Market Report Now Available on ReportsandReports

The loss of patent protection for blockbuster drugs peaking between 2007-2012, loss of patent protection for the first-generation of OSDDS in the last few years, the dearth of NCEs coming through the pipeline and puts new developments in the context of a market that is seeing a decline in its value in some therapeutic areas.

2010 Deep Research Report on China Wind Turbine Casting Industry Market Report Now Available on ReportsandReports

China Top 12 Wind Turbine Casting manufacturers Wind Turbine Casting Capacity Production Cost Average selling price Production Value Revenue Profit etc information

How Britain Shops: Homewares 2010 Report Now Available on ReportsandReports

The homewares market has succumbed to recession. The downturn reflects a deeply unfavourable set of background drivers, with the low number of house moves directly reducing the need for new homewares.

Oil and Gas Supply – Asia Pacific (A 10-year projection and review of oil and gas production and consumption) now available at ReportsandReports

Having witnessed in 2008 the first major signal that future conventional oil and gas supplies will become much harder to find and more expensive to develop, Datamonitor is publishing this analysis of deep water production around the world.

Pipeline Insight: Lymphomas, Multiple Myeloma & Myelodysplastic Syndromes - Optimization of Clinical Practice Creates Opportunities for Emerging Therapies Market Report Now Available on ReportsandReports

There are 173 drugs in clinical development for these indications, the majority of which are molecular targeted therapies (MTTs). This contrasts with HL and MDS where there is limited pipeline activity.

Gas and Power Fundamentals Outlook: Europe Now Available at ReportsandReports

UK High Value Home Insurance 2010 presents a detailed examination of the high value home insurance market. It contains an analysis of the current state of the market by looking at total market growth, profitability, claims, competitive forces and a forecast for the total number of UK affluents and the total market in gross written premiums.

2010 Deep Research Report on China New Energy Vehicles Market Report Now Available on ReportsandReports

Electric vehicles will soon become the energy-saving environmental automotive products. Besides the battery-powered, the fuel gas, hydrogen and other clean energy, all have the application case.

EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery Worldwide Now Available at ReportsandReports

The global market for EOR, estimated at nearly $62.5 billion (for barrels of crude oil) for 2009, has shown exciting growth since 2005, when it totaled $3.1 billion. Technological challenges, hazy regulations, and costly implementation have often kept oil companies from using EOR.