Serious game is a game-based initiative designed for training and education, which are other than pure entertainment. These kinds of video games are referred as serious as they are used by industries including defense, healthcare, education, scientific exploration, governments, and others for training and development of employees. The characteristics of a good serious game that reinforces the learning objective include story of the game, game mechanics & interactivity, rules of the game, challenges & competition, immersive graphical environment, rewards, and risks & consequences associated with the game. Serious games have gained significant acceptance among consumers and enterprises to train and develop their employees or students with a cost-effective, realistic, and accountable method that is realistic and can be applied in the daily activities. Other advantages of such games include enhanced motivation, flexibility, better engagement, immediate feedback, unique collaborations, enhanced creativity & exploration, easy interaction, can be used as an attractive & non-intrusive advertising, can be played on mobile, consoles, online, or other platforms, and extends retention of the user & efficient memorization of content.