Screaming Bee LLC

Voice Changer Software Designed by Gamers Specifically for Online Games

Optimized specifically for online games, MorphVOX Voice Changer is meeting the needs of gamers. The product continues to improve as Screaming Bee adds more gamer-driven features.

New Science Fiction Film Features Voice Changing Technology

A new Science Fiction film, Battle For Earth First Contact has been unveiled on The Movies Website. The movie has received rave reviews and features the use of voice-changing technology in filmmaking.

Screaming Bee Unveils Voice-Learning Soft

The new voice-learning module allows customers to easily set up MorphVOX, voice changer. Customers can also benefit from the high-quality voice changing inherent with this technology.

Screaming Bee Offers Universal Voice Changing Engine

Screaming Bee LLC is pleased to announce the development of a universal voice-changing engine. The computer technology, which powers the award-winning MorphVOX voice changer, is now available for 3rd party vendors or companies wishing to incorporate this capability into their products. As a result of the engine’s flexibility, this voice-changing technology can be ported to any software, hardware platform or device.

Enhanced Voice Changing Software Components Released

A new version of voice and sound effects add-ons for MorphVOX has been released. These components provide enhanced audio performance and lower computer resource demand.

New Audio Brochure Evaluates Voice Changing Software

The new demonstration is part of a multimedia resource area designed improve customer care. As a result of new initiatives like this, Screaming Bee has improved the quality of products and services.

Screaming Bee Voice Changing Software Gains Popularity

MorphVOX makes gains in voice changing software market. The company notes significant increase in its market share.

Screaming Bee Releases the Creatures of Darkness Beta

The audio plug-in provides seven new sinister voices for online games. This beta release also features an artwork contest where artists have the opportunity to win a free copy of the voice-changing software, MorphVOX.

Screaming Bee Launches First Online Voice-Changing Clinic

Screaming Bee opens a new online voice-changing clinic. The very first clinic of its kind provides customers with advice for improving their online game voices. It also provides real-time technical support and education.

Voice Changing Software Creates New Content for Games and Animations

Screaming Bee releases MorphVOX with a new Voice Content Creation Module. The new version of MorphVOX is designed to provide game and entertainment producers