Star One Public Relations Offer Safety Tips for Winter Travel

With the abundance of heavy snowfalls and severe winter weather advises travelers to take extreme care while visiting those areas to avoid possible injury.

Author Pursues Buddy Holly’s Continuing Impact on Music and the Lives of Fans

Rock-and-roll pioneer Buddy Holly was just a kid from Lubbock, Texas, sporting black horn-rimmed glasses. Now, more than five decades after his tragic death, he and his music still affect lives around the world. The Iowa plane crash that killed him, The Big Bopper, and Richie Valens in 1959 is one of the most memorable plane crashes in history.

Pulp Fiction Western "Cattle King For a Day" AudioBook Classic on CD Back by Popular Demand

Book publisher Galaxy Press has released a new edition of the classic pulp-era western "Cattle King For a Day" by New York Times best selling author L. Ron Hubbard. Part of the "Stories from the Golden Age" series, these reissues feature original pulp artwork and illustrations. Offers Great Local Career Opportunities, the job board that specializes in helping diverse candidates and companies connect, is the also the web’s leader in delivering local job opportunities through newspaper partners nationwide.

Business Controls Hires Former Chief of Police As Vice President of Professional Services

Business Controls, Inc. (BCI), the country’s leading incident reporting and investigations firm announced the hire of Ricky Bennett as their new Vice President of Professional Services.

Biotage Announces New Methods for the Extraction of Key Compounds for Clinical, Environmental and Forensic Applications

Biotage® (STO: BIOT), a leading supplier of tools and technology for analytical and medicinal chemistry, introduced a new series of application notes utilizing the industry-standard RapidTrace® SPE Workstation. New applications include extractions from plasma, urine and whole blood, typically assayed in clinical and forensic protocols. Additionally, a new soil analysis method for dioxins and furans joins the presently available EPH protocols from Biotage.

Fantasy Art by Frank Frazetta Now Available as Limited Edition Prints From Galaxy Press

Galaxy Press announces a limited edition series of fine art prints by Frank Frazetta. These striking prints, originally commissioned as cover art for books published by Galaxy Press, are available now for 50% off.

Business Controls Steven Foster Named Chair Elect for 2011 CSIA Board

Business Controls, Inc., announced this week that their President, Steven Foster, was elected to the Colorado Technology Association’s (CSIA) 2011 Board of Directors as Chair Elect and will be Board Chair in 2012. Supports Military Veterans and Returning Military, the website designed to help US veterans and retuning military, has announced a new program to assist the families of these service members connect with willing employers. Named “Operation Homeguard” , the program aims at finding both professional and entry level opportunities for family members and vets.

International Efforts for a Society Free of Aids: HIV Reservoirs Control

HIV and Aids have been around for 3 decades and yet, few diseases have ever had such a profound effect: it has taken the lives of millions of people and hit virtually every nation in the world.