Advancements in technology have always had major impacts in medicine. The smartphone is one of the most dynamic and ubiquitous trends in communication. The mobile phone can also be used for communicating through different platforms such as email, performing Internet searches, and using specific applications. The smartphone is one of the fastest growing sectors in the technology industry, and its impact in medicine has already been significant. Smartphones aren't just making it easier in terms of day to day chores; the technology is also streamlining care for both physicians and patients. Hospitals are making significant investments in smartphone and secure mobile platforms to enable communications between clinicians and between them and patients, according to a new survey. Clinicians will often use both a hardened device and a consumer-grade smartphone to communicate with one another and patients. For example, purpose-built devices can be integrated with in-hospital patient call systems, so nurses are paged when a patient hits the call button, increasing responsiveness. The increasing use of smartphones are thereby expected to provide opportunities for the rising use of mobile-based applications by both healthcare providers and patients to streamline workflow and avoid inconvenience such as hospital waiting time, availability of admission beds and others.