TR Cutler, Inc.

National Export Initiative Marketing Outreach Effort Finds Champion in TR Cutler, Inc.

LogoThe National Export Initiative will increase access to trade financing for businesses that want to export goods while also increasing the amount of trade-financing export-import offers to support small and medium-sized businesses. The President explained that the government has not done enough to promote businesses abroad in the past, and under the National Export Initiative, the U.S. will advocate for American companies around the world.

TR Cutler, Inc. Leads in National Export Initiative Marketing Outreach Effort

LogoWhile addressing the importance of America being able to compete in the global marketplace, President Obama explained that every $1 billion increase in exports would support more than 6,000 jobs. To promote American exports, the announced that the administration launched the National Export Initiative, an effort to utilize the resources of the government in support for businesses that sell goods and services abroad.

Thomas R. Cutler: Manufacturing Journalist Thrives as Contributing Editor for Industry 2.0

LogoApproaching a year now, Thomas R. Cutler, has been a contributing editor for Industry 2.0. Cutler, who founded the Manufacturing Media Consortium in 1999, has grown the participation from 300 journalists to nearly 3000 key clients, journalists, editors, trendsetters, and key business leaders worldwide. Cutler has authored more than 1000 articles for a wide range of manufacturing periodicals, industrial publications, and business journals including most of the leading monthly trade publications. Cutler is the author of The Manufacturers’ Public Relations and Media Guide. Cutler was voted #1 Manufacturing Journalist for the third year in a row.

TR Cutler Manufacturing Journalist Continues as Contributing Editor for Quality Digest

LogoTR Cutler Manufacturing Journalist Continues as Contributing Editor for Quality Digest

Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Continues as Contributing Editor for Industry 2.0

LogoManufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Continues as Contributing Editor for Industry 2.0

TR Cutler Contributing Editor to Examines Examines ERP and CAD Integration in Engineer-to-Order Environment

World Trade Magazine Profiles Value of ETO Institute

LogoValue of ETO Institute Profiled in World Trade Magazine

ETO Institute Recommends Investigating Three Levels of Technology

LogoThree Levels of Technology Recommended to Investigate says ETO Institute

TechSolve’s Manager of Strategic Procurement Programs

LogoTR Cutler Interviews TechSolve’s Manager of Strategic Procurement Programs

Canada’s Management Magazine Argues Processes Must be First

LogoProcesses Must be First Argues Canada’s Management Magazine