Universal Life Church Public Relations

Universal Life Church World Headquarters Ranks 6th Best of over 1000 Worldwide Religious Organizations

LogoShoutlife ranks Universal Life Church World Headquarters number six in the Top Ten of over 1000 worldwide Religious Organizations. ShoutLife.com is a Free Family-Friendly social networking service that allows Users to create unique personal and business profiles online. The services offered by Shoutlife including (the "Shoutlife Website"), Internet messaging service, and any other features, content, or applications offered from time to time by Shoutlife in connection with the Shoutlife Website are for the general public around the world.

Letter of Sponsorship in Wisconsin No Longer Necessary for Ministers of the Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters makes a major announcement concerning weddings in Wisconsin. Ministers who are not residents of Wisconsin or have not been residents thereof for at least six months are no longer required to get a "Letter of Sponsorship" from another Minister who is a Wisconsin Resident. This applies only to real faith based Ministers, ordained by the Universal Life Church World Headquarters, one of the largest and oldest Christian Churches in the world.

President Clinton and Universal Life Church Support No Cuts for SNAP

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters teams up with President Clinton to protect benefits for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) participants. The Universal Life Church World Headquarters defends the unborn, feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless, educates the young, welcomes refugees, and cares for the sick, both at home and abroad. In many instances, the government is a partner with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters and its ministries in accomplishing this work.

Universal Life Church World Headquarters Cracks Down on "Free Ordination" Claims

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters once again reaffirms their commitment to abide by all Consumer Protection Laws as stated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), specifically regarding "Free Ordination" claims by any of their Ministers, Charter Churches and/or Religious Affiliations. Anyone who violates by claiming "Free Ordination" will be dealt with accordingly.

Rev. Dr. Joel Lamoure and Prescribing Spiritual Hope Returns to the Universal Life Church Network

LogoOn Tuesday, September 24th, Rev. Dr. Joel Lamoure and the Universal Life Church World Headquarters via their respective Facebook pages announced that Dr. Lamoure will be returning as host of "Prescribing Spiritual Hope" on the Universal Life Church Radio Network effective immediately.

The Universal Life Church Bulletin and Newsletter for Sunday, September 29th, 2013

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Milwaukee, WI. and Carrabelle, FL. offers Church services throughout the world. Their most popular service originates from Fort Worth, TX. from the Good News Universal Life Church, a Worldwide Sunday Universal Mass with Rev. Bruce Micciulla presiding starts at 7:PM est (8:PM cst).

Universal Life Church World Headquarters Introduces "La Hora Del Santo Rosario" with Reverend Rita Garcia

LogoUniversal Life Church Radio, owned and operated by Ministers of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Carrabelle, Florida, heard through iHeartRadio.com and other internet and satellite providers is proud to announce an addition to its Thursday Night lineup for the Spanish Speaking Community.

The Universal Life Church Introduces Bible Apologetics on the Universal Life Church Radio Network

LogoUniversal Life Church Radio, owned and operated by Ministers of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Carrabelle, Florida, heard through iHeartRadio.com and other internet and satellite providers is proud to announce an addition to its Thursday Night lineup that already includes Reverend David Stembaugh with his weekly Bible Study.

Universal Life Church Announces Free Degrees - "We Are Not a Degree Mill Scam"

LogoContrary to published reports as captioned below, Brother Michael, President and Presiding Bishop of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters, states emphatically as follows: "Universal Life Church Minister Jack Nicholson is not retiring from acting, despite published reports." One of Nicholson's good friends Maria Shriver added thereto that "Jack is in fact looking for his next gig."

Announcing - How to Verify and Authenticate Who Is the Real Universal Life Church

LogoAs Public Relations Director I want you to be secure in knowing you are dealing with the authentic and the only original Universal Life Church World Headquarters. Verification of a website is quick and simple. Whois.com is one of the most credible resources on the Internet to do just that. Be safe rather than sorry.