The Universal Life Church World Headquarters is proud of its Milwaukee ties, recently a certain someone returned to Milwaukee, a 2003 graduate from Marquette University. He was unable to play for his Miami Heat against my beloved Milwaukee Bucks (yes Milwaukee does actually have a professional NBA franchise), but his return to Milwaukee was special for Milwaukee, for Marquette University and for Dwyane Wade himself. Dwyane was the tour guide for his teammates, as they got to practice at Marquette and the city of Milwaukee got a real treat as the proud father and super fantastic family man that Dwyane Wade has become got the chance to show off his family. The media and his fans in Milwaukee place Dwyane Wade and rightfully so on a well deserved pedestal, for he has achieved superstar status not just as an NBA great, but as a Father. Dwyane Wade may have been born 72 miles to the south of Marquette University and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but we Milwaukeeans and Wisconsinites claim him as one of our own and I'm sure Dwyane Wade regardless of the weather or comparing South Beach to the shores of Lake Michigan would agree.