Global Plastic Packaging Market Set to Grow by at Least 6%: Uwrap Comments

According to recent figures released by Nasdaq, the global plastic packaging market is set to see an increase in growth, estimated over the period of 2014-19 to be at a CAGR of 6.06%. This anticipated growth suggests that there is optimism in the market, and a number of investments are being made or are set to be made.

Product Packaging Most Effective Way to Communicate Sustainability

A recent survey jointly conducted by one of the world's largest PR firms and global analytics specialists found that product packaging is the most effective way to influence consumers of a product's sustainability. The survey was conducted on 9,709 consumers spread over the 9 biggest countries in the world according to GDP. The research indicates that consumers are much more informed of issues around sustainability than they were in 2011 or 2013 with a significant 84% stating that they would prefer products and services from socially and environmentally responsible companies. Furthermore, 88% wanted to know of the sustainability activities of the company they were purchasing from.

Is Shrink Wrap the Future of Aerospace?

A team at MIT are currently working on creating spacesuits made of stretchy material which shrink to fit astronaut's bodies. The technology could potentially be used in the military if it were to progress swiftly in its development, bearing in mind that it is currently in its infancy. This development follows a recent stream of product designs inspired by the basic premise of shrink-wrapping which is to speedily package a product to be airtight. The idea is now being researched to be applied on a global scale in commerce as monolithic as the aerospace and arms industry, albeit using different materials to the traditional polymer plastic films which are popularly used in machines such as LSealers.

Methods to Reuse Boat Shrink Wrap Planned in Falmouth, UWrap LTD Responds

Leading UK supplier of shrink wrapping machines, UWrap LTD, have recently commented on the news that the Woods Hole Sea Grant Program and Bourne Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility is set to reuse boat shrink wrap to help the environment.

Sweet Packaging - The New Nestle Deal

Businesses are forging ahead with packaging in light of the news that Nestle, the renowned confectioners, has secured the joint forces of Eddie Stobart and contract packer IPS in order to fulfil packaging needs for a number of its products. This extensive deal and the involvement of such large companies highlights what a significant issue packaging is and how important it is to get it right.

Shrink Wrap Sustainability: UWrap Comments

Plastic packaging, in the past, has sometimes been exposed to negative press coverage - including issues regarding waste.