Vibe Graphics Ltd

Increasing Performance of Web Pages

The performance of the web pages affects the success of the website on the World Wide Web. The front end of the web pages is a crucial area from where the performance of a website can be improved. The front end includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images on the website. The heavy files containing large images make the web page load slow which takes long time to load and display on the screen of the user. Thus it is important to identify the heavy components in the website so that the optimization can be carried out accordingly.

Recycling a Website

New and original designers are marked as real artists and their art separates them from the wannabes. A good and fast designer can reach at the top in just 4-5 hours and when they are given plenty of time they can create a kick ass design for the clients. This is what can be done by recycling a design if we take away the time.

Optimizing a Website for Search Engines

Generally if we talk about search engine optimization, we think about gateway pages, doorway pages and informational pages. The clients generally ask for creating these types of pages for them as they believe that every search engine has different algorithm to achieve ranking of a web page. Keyword rich copy is a main factor that influences the ranking position of the web pages of a website on the search engines.

Good Content Can Lead to High Rankings

A seminar has been conducted by vibe graphics talking about the usefulness of keyword rich content in a website design. A professional copywriter has the skills to write a good marketing copy that sounds great, stresses on the benefits of the user by utilizing the keyword phrases. Most of the website design makes use of flash animations and graphics in spite of good content in their website; they feel that when their site looks attractive it increases traffic. But that is not true the good marketing content should sound great, stresses on the benefits of the users by utilizing the keyword phrases.

Vibe Graphics Focus on Logo Design

A seminar was conducted by vibe graphics focusing on the necessity of logo design for a company. The corporate logo is extremely important, as it represents the company, its services, and it is the main element of the web page design. In this world of multimedia, appearance matters a lot, people tend to judge from the look and feel of the logo in the website design. The very first thing that a visitor notices in the website and other advertisement material is the logo design.

Technological Designed Websites by Vibe Graphics

The websites have become an ultimate marketing tool in the era of internet. The websites has to be live globally in order to survive the high tides of the business. That is why the websites have graduated from merely the hub of information to a visual shopping mart where all the users can access information in seconds and can buy things with luxury at their homes.