Web Design and SEO Fresno

Web Design Fresno Discusses Latest Discussion on Matt Cutts Assessing Quality of a Page Without Links

Logo#1 SEO company in USA, Cloud1Marketing is known for its excellent services of internet marketing. The company offers varied services of email marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay Per Clicks), link building and many other such services. The company employs a team of experts with vast knowledge and experience who can execute any internet marketing task and produce desired results. The company backs all its resources with the latest technological equipment and makes sure that all their resources are well versed with all the techniques of the industry. Profit By Search holds discussion about the latest development in the industry in its premises every week and as a part of it, this week the discussion was about Matt Cutts’s latest move on assessing quality of a page without links.

Web Design Fresno Reminds Site Owners of the Importance of Backlinks for SEO Success

LogoCLOUD1MARKETING, a provider of premium multiple IP hosting and international SEO hosting, has reminded clients and other site owners of the continued importance of backlinks to search engine optimization. The reminder was prompted by the growing feeling among site owners that, in the wake of improvements to Google’s algorithms, investing in link building and outreach is of reduced importance relative to other SEO strategies.

Impact of New Google Algorithm Update, Panda 4.0, Brought to Light in Recent Article by Website Design Fresno

LogoThe consternation felt across the internet marketing world on May 21st was ignited by a simple Twitter update. Matt Cutts, head of Google’s WebSpam team, announced that they had rolled out Google Panda 4.0.

Web Design Fresno Discusses the New Panda 4.0 Update

LogoLast week was a period of restlessness in the SEO industry around the world when the search engine giant, Google announced the rolling out of Panda update 4.0. The roll out was announced by Matt Cutts, the head of search spam team at Google on his twitter account.

Web Design Fresno Discusses Creative Web Design and Mobile App Development: A Deadly Combination

LogoNow, it is marketing which has attained top priority. Of course, one cannot survive for long by selling counterfeit products, irrespective of the vigorous style of marketing. But as long as your products and services are of an acceptable quality, they will sell well only if they are marketed well and they will lie unsold if they are ill-marketed. Strategic marketing stems from creative web designs. Web design geniuses have jumped on the stage. Now is the time for them to shower you with their tricks and magic. Excellent design can take your site to meteoric heights. On the other hand, if the site is ill-equipped to take the load of mass surfers, it will crash occasionally. It can be quite a turn-off even for your most loyal customers.

Web Design Fresno Discusses Effects of Responsive Website on SEO

LogoRecently, Matt Cutts, Head of Search Spam – Google, released a video note in which he provided an answer to the question that has haunt webmasters from time and time again. The question he answered was whether to go for responsive website for once and for all or to develop a different mobile website for users keeping Google pagerank and web search rank in view.

Web Design Fresno Discusses the Ways a Website Design Is Directly Impacting the Business

LogoThe website is almost always the first place someone will go to introduce and familiarize themselves with the business and its products or services. So one needs to approach the website design in the same way one would an introductory meeting with a potentially high value client - one has got to look good, communicate well and be very organized.

Web Design Fresno Discusses What Wearable Tech Means for Web Development

LogoFirst, a disclaimer. Google’s I/O conference is underway right now in San Francisco. There’s going to be a lot of tech-focussed talk including, possible, some more announcements about Glass, Google’s much-hyped piece of wearable tech. (They’ve already announced a 2GB RAM upgrade, as well as a tonne of new apps.)

Web Design Fresno Discusses 13 Essential Questions to Ask when Hiring a Web Design Company

LogoInvesting in a new website can be a very expensive proposition. Before you settle on a website development firm, make sure you know what you're getting into! I highly recommend asking an exhaustive list of questions to each firm you're considering working with.

Web Design Fresno Discusses Google Agitates for a Revolution in Web Development

LogoIn multiple sessions through the conference, Google engineers spoke about Web Components, an evolving World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard designed to help organize complex Web pages by providing a mechanism to assemble them using small single-function components.