Zygot is the team that facilitates the development of ZERP enterprise solution. ZYG is the name of the token that is powering the ZERP ecosystem. The ZERP platform is open source intelligent ERP software that utilises blockchain technology. ZERP has ‘lightweight’ character offering accessible decentralised ERP architecture available for all company sizes - micro, SME, corporate, providing the benefits of an ERP system to users and collaborators with various budgets. The foundation of the ZERP is decentralisation of actors. On one side, the users of various sizes can benefit from open-source high quality ERP modules that compose a standardized system, and participate in its continuous improvement and maintenance; while the teams of developers are again decentralised and there is no single provider, but numerous compositions (teams) of developers that address and compete through the principles of user requirements satisfaction and upward push of quality. Blockchain’s peer-to-peer networking and distributed validation will provide a foundation for the ZERP initial concept, but will also represent a place to build on a future ZERP platform that will be generic enough to cover the entire supply-net of certain domains and/or businesses become the unifying ERP platform of the business ecosystems beyond tomorrow. Zygot will provide enterprise grade platforms the tools to create innovative, comprehensive, standardized and interoperable modules and apps. The unique thing about Zygot Platform is that it is based on open, community sourced engine while providing the APIs and tools to enable app developers to easily manage enterprise data and build interoperable applications, enterprise information system and apps for modern mobile devices. Vendors relying on the platform’s solid foundation, built-in engine and the tools that the Zygot Platform offers will bene?t from reduced time to market, lower development costs and stable distribution channel.