Maulik Shah - CRMJetty

A Guided Tour of Education Portal Development

A detailed guide covering the know-hows of education portal development, types, market trends, benefits, features, etc.

Salesforce Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Self-service, customization, marketing automation, digital transformation, automated workflows, third-party integrations, no-code app builders, and mo

Travel Portal Development: A Round-Trip Journey

In this article, you will learn all about travel portal development - benefits, features, post-COVID trends to include, development process, cost, and

4 Types of Salesforce Community Licenses

If you’re curious about the type of community licenses that Salesforce offers, this is the article for you.

Top 8 LMS Integrations to Have in 2022

Your education portal development should consist of collaboration tools, social media integration, LTIs, CMS, CRM, analytical tools, and eCommerce too

Custom Trading Portal: Your Future Guide to Maximize Profits

Custom trading portal automates your internal trading process and empowers you to take calculated risk with analytics and advanced features. Learn mor

PortalXpand – Salesforce Customer Portal

Salesforce Customer Portal allows your users to manage their own details and get on demand support through an integrated system which connects WordPre

How SuiteCRM Customer Portal Helps with Customer Management

SuiteCRM customer portal offers role-based accessibility, mobile responsiveness, case deflection, quotation management, multi-language support, etc.

8 Factors to Consider in Real Estate Portal Development

Design, search capabilities, optimized images, client testimonials, mobile responsiveness, multi-channel communication, customization are the importan

A 2021-2022 Approach to Employee Portal Development

Everything you need to know about employee portal, its benefits, why you should invest in it, and the best practices to implement.