Ketan Parmar - Wordzyx

Infographics -Wordzyx

Wordzyx, Sharing infographics posts related to content writing & marketing. Check out what we have just posted.

Content writing Blogs -Wordzyx

Wordzyx, Sharing Content writing blogs,discussion over content's importance in the digital marketing for businesses. Check out what we have just

Benefits of hiring freelance content writer over full-time employees

Freelance content writer and full-time writer have own pros and cons. Here showing benefits of hiring freelance writer for your projects.

Elements that define the Quality Content

Quality content writing, is something that achieve goals. Here sharing some elements that defines the quality content,a successful content.

Why every business website must have a Blog page

Blog page is not limited to information purpose only,it helps for marketing many way. Blog for business website, is like a Heart to the body.

Types of contents must have in your Digital marketing calendar

A List, showing types of contents you must include in your digital marketing. Types of content marketing that delivers optimum results.

Content is so worthy and Here are the Reasons for that...

Content really matters. Content worth a lot in marketing, in Business. It rules entire online marketing.Hence Bill gates said,Content is King.

Creative content writing services , A Content that your Business need - Wordzyx

Looking for creative content writing services? That's what we do. Wordzyx, a team of creative minds who write the contents that your business mus

Content writing services, A content that your website needs - Wordzyx

As a content writing service provider, wordzyx is here to write Blog posts, SEO Articles, Website content or any custom content needs that a business

Keyword research services- Know what your potential customers want : Wordzyx

Keyword research services, know what your potential customer actually want. An insight into searcher's mind. Keyword that generated business for