Aim High Profits

Timothy Richards

Marketing Director

Timothy Richards

B.A. Accounting, worked for several law offices and C.P.A. firms as a private consultant from 1994 until 2003 while managing his own firm Bluesky Enterprises. From 2003 to 2007, Timothy was called to duty and did three tours to Iraq and Afghanistan while leaving his investments to be managed by a colleague at Northern Trust Bank. While away serving his country and watching from abroad the stock markets and housing markets deterioate, he bacame obsessed with creating a wealth portfolio of stocks under $10. While educating other squad members about investments through his financial expertise, he began a penny stock newsletter for former squad members and friends which came to be the beginnings of AimHighProfits when one day his wife of 14 years advised him to share his views with a larger base of interested investors. To this day, Tim holds a monthly average of 83.55% on penny stock picks.