Penman Properties - Rental Management Group LTD

Sarah Penman


Sarah Penman

As one of 7 kids in a blended family, my house growing up was always chaotic. As a result, I developed a need for grounding in my life. Home to me is a place where you are able to feel safe and comfortable. It’s a place where you can fully be yourself and have the stability to learn and grow. This is why I founded a property management company.

At Penman Properties, we look to give all our tenants this safe place where they are respected and supported. This builds loyalty which results in tenants taking great care of our units during their tenancies. For our owners, we look to protect their investments in all ways possible. This, in turn, gives our tenants that well taken care of unit where they don’t have the stresses of instability.

By completing regular inspections and upholding the highest level of communication with both our owners and tenants, all of our properties are perfectly maintained. At Penman Properties there is nothing left to the unknown so that all parties can have the peace of mind they deserve.