Advice On Lice Inc.

Clients Can Get Professional & Thorough Head Lice Treatment in VA, DC, & MD at Advice on Lice, Inc.

Clients in the VA, MD and DC area, who are seeking a lice treatment service, can call Advice on Lice, Inc., for professional and thorough head lice treatment. This company has been around since 2007 and has been serving clients in that region with prevention, as well as with eradication of head lice. The process starts with prevention head checks, and then if nits and lice are found, a comprehensive head lice treatment removal process is put into place.

Clients Can Count on Advice on Lice, Inc. for Successful Head Lice Treatment in VA, DC, and Maryland Area

Offering head lice treatment in VA, Maryland, and DC, Advice on Lice has been helping to eradicate head lice in that area since 2007. Founded by Karen Franco 20 years ago, Advice on Lice is a lice treatment service that provides a fully functional head lice salon in Maryland for professional and confidential treatment of head lice. The treatment starts with the application of anti-lice treatment oil. This anti-lice treatment oil is in great demand. The lice MD is an oil and silicone base product which suffocates the lice when applied properly by combing it in layer by layer and leaving it on 20 to 25 minutes. After that, the lice and nits are combed out. Advice on Lice has developed a tried-and-true technique that has helped many families who find themselves in need of lice and nit eradication.

Advice on Lice, Inc. Is a Professional & Confidential Lice Treatment Service in DC, Virginia, and Maryland

Advice on Lice has been working with people in the Virginia, DC, and Maryland area for the past 15 years. The company was founded by Karen Franco who was inspired to start the company after realizing how little her children's school knew how to handle and treat head lice. Throughout the past 15 years, she and her staff have developed a technique that has proven results and many satisfied, and relieved, customers.

Lice Treatment Service, Advice on Lice, Provides Clients with Professional and Confidential Services

For the past 15 years, Advice on Lice has been treating people with head lice via house calls and office appointments. They operate a Head Lice Salon in Maryland that is the ideal location for treatment for lice in MD, Washington D.C., and the Northern Virginia area. This Head Lice Salon is made up of four comfortable salon chairs, two salon sinks, and a flat screen television with a large selection of DVD's for children. They offer professional and confidential services to their clients. And, over the past 15 years of working in the business, their technique has proven to be the most effective among competitors.

Advice on Lice Offers Clients Effective Head Lice Treatment in VA, Washington DC, and Maryland

Karen Franco, otherwise known as "The Lice Lady," has been interested in eradicating head lice since her own children were in elementary school. Upon seeing how little was known on how to effectively treat nits and lice, Karen Franco started her own company in an effort to bring peace of mind to families and children with head lice.

Advice on Lice, Inc. Provides the Best Head Lice Treatment in VA, MD, and Washington D.C.

What started as a personal interest by Karen Franco more than 20 years ago has become an exceptional lice treatment service available to people in VA, MD, and Washington D.C. Over the course of the past 15 years, Advice on Lice, Inc. has grown to become a trusted and well-respected company for head lice treatment. With a fully equipped Head Lice Salon in MD, people in the area who are experiencing lice and nit infestations can take advantage of Advice on Lice's knowledgeable and experienced staff in removing the pests from their scalp and hair.

Advice on Lice, Inc. Is an Exceptional Lice Treatment Service in MD, DC & VA

For the past 15 years, Advice on Lice, Inc. has been serving as an exceptional provider of lice treatment service to the people of MD, DC & VA. Started by Karen Franco, Advice on Lice, Inc. came about after Ms. Franco became interested in lice removal more than 20 years ago during the time when her children were in elementary school and she realized how little was known of the process. Advice on Lice, Inc. operates a Head Lice Salon in MD that boasts two work areas that are fully equipped with four hair salon chairs, two salon sinks, and a TV/DVD entertainment area geared to keeping children occupied. They provide treatment for lice in MD that ensures peace of mind to children and their families.

Families Can Get Head Lice Treatment in VA, MD, and Washington D.C. with Lice Treatment Service, Advice on Lice, Inc.

Established in 2007 by Karen Franco, Advice on Lice, Inc. is a lice treatment service that provides head lice treatment in VA, MD, and Washington D.C. At the dedicated Head Lice Salon in Maryland, families can receive lice and nit treatment where there are salon sinks, chairs, a flat screen TV and family DVD's (to keep the children occupied). The main goal of Advice on Lice, Inc. is to educate individuals in the Washington Metropolitan area of head lice and how best to prevent it, and then how to eradicate it. They use proven lice and nit removal products such as Licemeister Comb, RID Shampoo, and Lice MD Pesticide Free - this anti-lice treatment oil is in great demand. The lice MD is an oil and silicone base product which suffocates the lice when applied properly by combing it in layer by layer and leaving it on 20 to 25 minutes. Parents are encouraged to take an active stance against lice and nits when it comes to their children.

Advice on Lice, Inc. Is a Lice Treatment Service for People in the Maryland, Washington, and Virginia Areas

Since 2007, Advice on Lice has been serving the Maryland, Washington and Virginia areas with lice and nit eradication. Most people panic when their child has been diagnosed with lice and/or nits. Now, with the assistance of Advice on Lice, Inc., there's no need for panic as they have the proven treatment for lice that allows clients to resume their normal daily schedule. As part of their lice treatment service, they offer a Head Lice Salon in Maryland that offers the best treatment for lice in MD. Equipped just as a regular salon is with sinks, salon chairs, and even a flat screen TV and multiple family DVD's, this salon let's families sit back and relax while their child or their entire family is cured of lice.

Advice on Lice, Inc. Offers Patients Comprehensive Head Lice Treatment in MD, VA, and Washington D.C.

Known as the "Lice Lady" in Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland, Karen Franco became increasingly interested in lice and nit removal when her own children were in school, and she realized how little her children's school knew about the lice removal process. As the founder of Advice on Lice, she operates a Head Lice Salon in Maryland that is fully equipped with four hair salon chairs, two salon sinks, flat screen TV and DVD's to occupy young children and their families. Over time, she has developed a tried and true head lice treatment MD technique that is thorough while also providing the family with the education needed to prevent future outbreaks.