Environmental Health Trust

First US Public School District Limits Wi-Fi Radiation Exposure to Students and Staff

Based on its own review of the matter, the Ashland Public School District is reducing wireless radiation exposures to children by instituting district wide "best practices for mobile devices". Spurred by parent Cecelia Doucette's concerns about the lack of safety data on Wi-Fi and children, the district investigated the issue and developed a policy to substantially reduce wireless exposures to students and staff. Doucette not only brought the issue to the district's attention, but then also worked with state legislatures who introduced two bills concerning electromagnetic radiation this session. The Environmental Health Trust submitted written testimony on MA Senate Bill 1222 after expert scientists presented information on wireless health risks at a briefing at the Massachusetts State House in June 2015.

EHT Lauds Israel's Ban on Wi-Fi in Kindergarten and Limits to Children’s Wireless Exposures in Schools

As of this fall, Israel and Italy are officially recommending schools reduce children's exposures to wireless radiation. The Israeli Ministry of Health has initiated a major public awareness effort to reduce wireless and electromagnetic radiation exposures to children. In similar action, the Italian State Parliament of South Tyrol voted to allow the application of the precautionary principle to replace existing wireless networks whenever possible with wired networks or those that emit less radiation.

How the NY Times and CNN Bungled a Basic Cell Phone Safety Story

Next month, citizens of Berkeley will see warning labels at point-of-sales at their mobile phone retailers. Under the Right to Know ordinance—passed unanimously in May, 2015 by the Berkeley City Council—retailers must notify customers via a sign or handout that "consumers may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure" to radio frequency radiation by carrying a cellphone in their pants, shirt pocket or bra. The warning adds: "The potential risk is greater for children."

Environmental Health Trust Announces Winner and Honorable Mentions in Its Fifth Annual Practice Safe Tech Art Contest

The Environmental Health Trust has honored three local students who have been recognized as winners in this year's Practice Safe Tech Art Contest. The contest is held annually by Environmental Health Trust's Jackson Action team to encourage students to look more closely at the facts about wireless technology that is so prevalent in their daily lives and learn how to protect themselves from wireless exposure. The event took place Thursday, June 25th from 5 to 6 PM at the Teton County Library Auditorium.

Modeling and Measuring Exposures to Wireless Technology - A Workshop of the Bioelectromagnetics Society Confronts a Growing Policy Challenge

This hands-on real-time demonstration workshop of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (bioem2015.org) sponsored by the non-profit virtual think tank, Environmental Health Trust (ehtrust.org), explores how to model and measure wireless technology that is reaching into every corner of our lives, connecting us in ways never before imagined, improving our capacity to respond to emergencies and share information around the world. The Internet of Things is estimated to consist of nearly 50 billion devices that operate in our homes and on our persons by the end of this decade. At the same time, wireless transmitting devices can disrupt traditional family patterns, affect brain development and learning abilities in children, and possibly alter the risks of cancer, reproductive damage, and other medical problems among users.

World Class Health Experts Discuss Public's Right to Know About Cell Phone Safety

The non-profit Environmental Health Trust will host a public briefing on June 10th featuring several world class experts in the area of electromagnetic (wireless) radiation. The experts will discuss new science about health risks associated with prolonged and frequent exposures, and the public's right to know about these risks. The briefing will begin at 2 PM in room 437 of the Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston. The event is free and open to the general public.

Government Health Expert from India Details New Discoveries Showing Wireless Damages Sperm, Hearing and Human DNA in an Upcoming Lecture at George Washington University

The Environmental Health Trust and George Washington University are hosting a public lecture, featuring Senior Indian government radiation expert Dr. Radhey Shyam Sharma and Dr. Devra Davis, Founder of the Environmental Health Trust (EHT), entitled "Update on Cell Phones and Health: New Research from Indian Medical Research Council" on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. The event starts at 11:30 AM at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University at 950 New Hampshire Avenue NW in Washington DC. The event is open to the press and public.

Commentary: Close to Home: Time for California to Corral the Use of Roundup

Dr. Devra Davis is a scientist and writer who is president of Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit research and educational institute focused on studying and reducing environmental health hazards. Dr. Davis will be the featured speaker at the first Kortum Legacy Lecture Series, May 15, at the Finley Community Center in Santa Rosa at 11:30 a.m.

The Human Impact of Pollution with Dr. Devra Davis

Sonoma County Conservation Action will be hosting Dr. Devra Davis, MPH, PhD, as the inaugural speaker in the Kortum Legacy Speaker Series. Dr. Davis is a world renowned epidemiologist who confronts the public triumphs and private failures of her lifelong battle against environmental pollution. Dr. Davis will be giving a talk on her National Book Award nominated book, When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution.

Parents Nationwide Are Questioning the Safety of Wireless Radiation in Schools

As many school systems continue to roll out wireless to younger and younger students, parents are questioning their safety. From coast to coast, parent and teacher groups are raising concerns to school officials about the health risks from the wireless radiation of tablets, laptops and routers. They are calling for safer technology solutions.