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Kerneli Manufactures Porta Potties for Every Occasion

When portable toilets were first introduced into the market, they were quite big and somehow cumbersome. However, it was at least better than having to be outdoors without any access to sanitary facilities. These old model porta potties were quite heavy and needed to be carried by more than two well-built manual workers. Any slippage in the handling could cost the breakage of certain functionalities.

Outdoor Event Planners Swear by Kerneli Portable Toilets

Several interviews with the leading event managers of Council Bluffs IA has revealed that the success of any outdoor event depends a lot on the availability of proper sanitary facilities. Guests were visibly upset when any outdoor event, no matter how well hosted, did not have available toilets nearby.

Kerneli Portable Toilets Unveil Environment Friendly Sanitary Units

Porta potties have become a very important part of our modern life. The modern man is surrounded by all the hi tech comforts that he has created for his own use. Having lived in so much of luxury and comfort on a daily basis, it is near impossible for the average human being to live without it even for a day. Humanity has become so dependent on comfort so much so that he has decided to take the comfort even when out with nature. This is how man has come up with the ingenious idea of making a portable toilet which he can take anywhere he wants.

Kerneli Porta Potties Designed to Create a Clean Environment

When portable toilets were first introduced into the market, it posed its greatest benefit in this portability. Back then, hygiene was never really a problem. People had no choice but to endure the leaking waste tanks and neglected toilet conditions because it was better than no toilet at all. Today, things are completely different. With the increasing number of successful porta potty companies coming up, the competition has just turned up a couple of notch higher.

Kerneli Portable Toilets Make Sure No Client Is Forced to Compromise

Using porta potties has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Today, the fast-paced world finds more uses of the porta potties than not. The modern man is always on the move and hardly ever settles down. As a matter of fact, settling down is generally looked upon as a sign of weakness rather than of strength. Today, the nomadic tendency of man is stronger than ever. The modern man is constantly moving from place to place, looking for better earning and a better life. It is befitting to say, today’s mankind has a strong affinity towards the ancient nomadic lifestyle.

Kerneli Shows Unbeatable Combination of Sophistication and Sturdy in Regular Porta Potties

Outdoor events are a great way to enjoy the nature and unwind yourself after a long week at the office. There is nothing more peaceful than to feel the breeze flowing through your hair and breathe in the fresh smell of the green grass and lush greenery around. There is nothing more peaceful than to near the cheerful chirping of birds around you. All these and much more makes for a memorable day.

Kerneli Double Checks Porta Potties to Be Rented out to Campers

Camping is a great way to let the kids have fun during the holidays and yet learn so much. There are different types of knowledgeable camping. Most parents worry about letting their kids live out in the woods even if it is just for a few weeks. Besides the lack of modern facilities that parents worry about, the main worry is about the unhygienic sanitary conditions. The direct exposure of feces to water, air and even the campers can cause deadly infection like cholera, hepatitis, etc.

Kerneli Reveals the Secret to Making the Most out of Porta Potties During Winter

The common misconception about porta potties is that people think they are meant to be used only during the summer season. This misconception could be a lot to do with the fact that when they were first introduced into the market, the porta potties did not have heating systems. Hence, people avoided renting porta potties during the winter season. Another reason is that hardly anyone goes outdoors during the winter and there is hardly any reason for people to hire the porta potties. Outdoor events are mostly held during the summer season when it is sunny and warm.

Porta Potty Companies in Twin Falls Offer the Most Hygienic Sanitary Units

Portable Toilets have been around for a very long time. Today, no outdoor event is hosted without installing portable toilets to provide all the sanitary facilities to the guests. Even the construction sites cannot do without the availability of porta potties. As a matter of fact, workers refuse to work at a construction site if there is no sufficient supply of portable sanitary facilities. In spite of so much of dependence on these porta potties, there are still so much of myths taking the rounds when it comes to these portable sanitary units.

Kerneli Offers Additional Porta Potty Features for Free

Portable toilets are indispensible while hosting any form of outdoor events. Whether it is a sports event, a picnic, parks, construction site, of special outdoor event, they all need one thing – portable toilets. These are nothing but temporary toilets that come with all the facilities of a modern toilet that you get at home. They are be installed anywhere outdoors and can be shifted around. However, installing these porta potties and shifting them should be strictly left in the hands of the professionals. These hi tech sanitary units are sophisticated and a little shift by the untrained hands could cause more damage than is welcome.